The Date.

22 6 7

The cool breeze hit my face as I walked down the street towards the "San clair" Italian restaurant.

My hair got in my way, and I raised it tucking it behind my ear...

I caught the view of the restaurant as I approached it, with my steps getting reduced. I wouldn't want to get there breathing heavily when it's just the first date, 'as friends'.

I didn't even know what to expect, in looks mostly.

From our chatting though, I could tell he was gentle, kind, friendly and super intelligent.

Standing in front of the restaurant, I took a deep breath and approached.

"Benvenuta!",  the Italian hostess welcomed me and ushered me in, i responded with a smile as I checked around to find the brown haired boy.....that was all I knew about him.

And by the left side corner at the end of the booth, I saw him.

Brian, waving at me with a smile on his face.

That was such a cute smile! I literally melted! I returned the wave politely and walked towards him.

"Hi Brian!" What? Was that my voice? I sounded so smitten, he had dimples!

Holy iceberg! Cute tiny dimples!

"Hi Evie, welcome!" He returned my greeting.

"Hi Brian" stupid I greeted again, i probably look like a simp right now.

I looked down shyly, earning me a chuckle from him.

"It's okay, have a seat" he gestured as he pulled my chair out, asking me to take a seat.

Awwwwww....what a gentleman.

I sat down and he moved to the other side to sit down as well.

There was a chair next to him and I wondered who that belonged to.

He probably caught sight of my gaze. "It's for a cousin, He'll be joining us shortly".

This guy did took my insistence on a friendly date to the letters. 

I nodded in understanding, pretending not to be drooling over his clinical British accent, which reminded me of someone I'd rather not think about right now.

The waitress came over and dropped us a glass of water each.

I picked mine and started taking a sip.

"Hey cuz!" The voice I heard could never be mistaken and I almost chocked on my water. Almost!.

"Bro!" Brian got up and exchange handshakes with his cousin, who've gotta be kidding me universe!

No other than, the devil. Aiden Schwatz.

They did their bro handshakes and hugs, before Brian faced me.

It was like I was stuck to my seat with shocked spelt all over my face.

"Are you okay? Evie?" Brian asked me as he looked at me intently.

I collected myself properly and gave him my signature fake smile. "Of course! I'm okay". He smiled at me before facing his 'cousin'.

"Here, meet my cousin, Aiden...perhaps you know him, he attends the same school as you".

I returned his smile politely "Yeah, we've met...he's quite popular" Nah, I won't pretend not to know his stupid ass!

He stood there, just staring at me like some woods, before Brian gestured for him to sit, giving us both exchanging looks.

"Perfect! Since we are settled....let's place our orders". Brian Signalled the waitress to come over.


All through the date, I maintained silence, only spoke when Brian directed a conversation to me.

Thankfully, I had my long hair to hide my face from Aiden who was sited on my left side.

We still both didn't talk directly to each other.

Not long after we've had our deserts, Aiden got up heading home, said he had some errands to run.

I sighed in relief and relaxed my shoulders, It was now time to leave.

"Thank you for the food" I started as we began walking out of the restaurant. 

"It's nothing. I hope I was impressive?" He asked genuinely.

"Yeah, you were good....cept for the part that your cousin was my ex-boyfriend and I've been avoiding him only to have him show up at a 'friendly date'". I said everything so fast, and I could sense the rising anger in me.

Why was I angry? Don't know.

And Brian, deserves anything but anger from me....he has done nothing wrong.

I hastened my pace trying to walk away from my embarrassment.

"What?!, Aiden was the jerk you were getting over,". He asked but that didn't need a respond so I continued my pace.

"Evie" he called on me and grabbed on my wrist, making me face him.

He bent lower to my height and stared in my eyes...

His eyes were bright as stars and that made me weak in the knees.

"Evie, I'm sorry....I I didn't know my cousin was such a jerk! Gosh and what he did, I so unjustifiable! I'm sorry....I'm really really sorry".

What?! Why was he apologising? He's done me nothing wrong.....if anything, this guy right here was proving to me he was nothing like his douche bag cousin. 

"It's okay Brian, you did me nothing wrong". I responded with my voice coming out smaller than I intended.

"Yes, I know....its just..." He took a deep breath, closed his eyes like thinking and opened them continuing his sentences.

"Evie, when I asked you for a date, I wanted something more from you, more than friendship....actually.....But then when you suggested just a friendship date. I agreed because, I was hoping that would create a chance for me at least to know you better".

He sighed again and continued.

"Then, I didn't know Aiden was your ex-boyfriend who definitely didn't know the value of what he had. I'm really sorry....i hope you still give me a chance and nit look me in the same light as my cousin". He ended

And those words met me.

When I was coming for this date today, I had expected this....but then, I didn't know then that he was cousins with Aiden Schwatz.

I was lost and so confused and so angry, I just didn't even know what to think. Brian's a nice guy and I know he's nothing like Aiden but was a risk I wasn't sure I was ready to take.

"I...." I began to talk but he cut me off squeezing my shoulders and smiling at me.

"Please Evie....take your time, I'll wait till when you're ready to give an answer".

That calmed me and I smiled at him, he smiled back briefly, straightened up and we continued our journey. 

We planned to take a walk before heading home finally.


As I sat on my bed that night, jotting in my journal how today's event took a turn.

I knew I was stuck in between two decisions, sticking to my brain that keeps telling me to judge Brian by Aiden and my heart that tells me to give him a chance.

This is the point where I need Amy, I turned off my light and went to bed.

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