The Decision

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"What?!, they are cousins?!" Amelia's reaction to my narration was a partly expected one.

"Hush Amy! I don't want the whole school hearing about this". I hushed her as I looked around to see if anyone was listening in.

Glad no one was.

"That's not all, I just don't know what to do". I continued my dilemma

"Yes, they were cousins, but Brian seemed like he's nice and not an ass like Aiden....I can sense it" though I hesitated but I just didn't know a better way to express myself in this decision. 

Amy smiled at me and touched my shoulders "Go for it girl, if you can sense he is different" she shrugged.

This wasn't what I needed, but will do. Either way.

I sighed and we made our way to class.

I got in and Aiden was sited at my partner's seat once again, where the hell was Keith!.

I sighed and walked over to my spot, slumping in and slamming my books on the table.

"Nice game you played yesterday, Eve or is it....Evie?" He started as he picked my books from the table, moving it to the other side.

"Give me back, Aiden." I demanded, I was so bored of him..

"No, I won't....we need to talk!" He gritted his teeth and pulled me by my wrist dragging me out of class.

"Where are you taking me?, let me go!" I demanded and the ass didn't listen but continued to drag me away till we arrived at the school's storage room.

He opened the door, pulled me in and shut it behind us, throwing me into the room.

"Ass!" I muttered adjusting my sleeve which was now wrinkled from his rough pulling.

"You know he is nothing like me!" Here we go with is 'ego'

"Like, what's in him?! You've gotta be kidding me"

"You're such a fool, Aiden! I'm done with you. You have no right asking me all these". I snorted.

"Yes. I. Do. Eve" I didn't say I was done with you. So what if I cheated?"

Did he just say that?

"You were on your period, what did you expect of me?, I'm a man. Come on!"


He said that matter of no biggies, I ate your food so?.

"You. Didn't just cheat Aiden. You brought the slut to my house while I was in my room crying from my cramps".

I was so angry, didn't he see the wring in what he did?

That day was a day I would never forget, and he justified his actions saying it was my fault. I was on my period and in pain from my cramps too.

What an animal!

I wiped the little tear that had escaped from my left eye and sniffed.

"Shhhhh.....I'm so sorry babe, please don't cry" he moved closer to me patting my shoulders.

I shrugged it off and moved away "Do not touch me" I gritted out as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"It's fine, if you decide to screw my cousin, it's fine....all the best. But you remember, you wouldn't find anyone like me. Ever." He snarled and walked out of the room.

What a psychopath!

I sniffed and squatted, recollecting my emotions back.

Stupid me! Why did I cry?.

I got up and headed to class, and I was thankful he wasn't there when I went in.


Today was a little hectic and it was about to get more hectic as I was currently headed to the warehouse my parents owned to get some supervisions done.

I was wearing a pink shirt and a pleated skirt that stopped just below my knees and a flat shoe.

I tied my hair in a firm ponytail and headed out with my phone in my clutch.

Not long have i set out, that my brain began it's calculation on the decision I had to make.

Brian wasn't pestering me which I was grateful for. He gave me more than enough time to think it through.

He was a nice guy no doubt, but it was still a risk I wasn't sure I was ready to take.

The vibration coming from my phone startled me and I picked it up to see it was Amy calling.

"Girl, you wouldn't believe what i just found out" her voice piqued my interest immediately I picked the call.

"What's that girl!?" I needed a hit gossip right now anyways.

"It's about your new boy, he was the infamous boyfriend of Nicole Waltz before she passed away"

"What?" The information shocked me.

"You heard me right girl! Authentic news!, you lucky babe. I think he's what you need" She chuckled and hung up.

The infamous and darling boyfriend of Nicole was Brian......Nicole was our school's famous ballet dancer and she died when she had a crash on her way from a tournament. She was in hospital for months before she was eventually announced Brain dead.

It was said her infamous boyfriend then whom no one actually knew but those who did know him only knew him for how well he treated Nicole and Nicole always felt like the luckiest girl to have him.

What a pity.

I felt bad for him but right then and there, I made the decision.

"Hey Evie!, how you doing?" His calm voice greeted me as I dialed his line.

"I'm good, do you think we could meet tonight?".

"Sure thing. Tell me where".

"At old oakville, the spot where you asked the question....I'd give my response there".


The night was chilly and the closer I got to my destination, the more the fear settled decision.

Was I making the right one?

I could see his back, with his hand kept in his pockets as he looked into the sky.

Perhaps he could sense me coming, or he heard my footsteps.

He turned around and smiled at me, the smile that melts my heart, I approached him and smiled back politely too.

I'm grateful for the dark, he wouldn't see my cheeks turning crimson.

"Evie" we started at the same time.

Which made us both chuckle.

"I'd like to take things slow, getting to know you and you knowing me, I sense you're good" I shrugged my shoulders lightly.

"But it doesn't help that your cousin was a jerk, that's why I want to take things slow and we will see where we will get with it"

He smiled at me and his stiffened shoulders relaxed.

He looked into my eyes "I'm fine with the decision you make Evie, I promise not to disappoint". He smiled and brought his hands out.

A gesture, he was leaving it to me to decide to hold hands with him or not.

I smiled and looked in his eyes as I stretched my hands forth too....our hands meeting, he held it softly and we walked down the road.

I felt safe and happy, and even though i didn't say I trust him yet. I knew within me I could trust him and he wasn't anything like his cousin.


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