You're my safe haven

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You're my safe haven

pairing: connorxchase *3rd person*

summary: "Ch-Chase, they're fighting again."


"You. And I. We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky" blasted Connor's speaker as he sat on his bed, writing in his journal.

"I'm just a sad song..." He sang softly to the music as he wrote in his book, suddenly hearing a crash outside. He sighed deeply.
"I'm so tired," he thought. "Mentally and emotionally."

"That boy-" "That boy is our child" his mom yelled at his father. "Arguing over me again," he thought sarcastically. "Oh, I'm not that special."
"He's a f**got!" Connor sighed and turned his music up louder. He really didn't feel like crying over the things they said and then getting a headache. Him and Chase were going to the park the next day, and he'd rather not spend the day crying about his problems.

"Well you're no better! Sneaking around!" "What's that supposed to mean?!" "It means stop being such a bad father and stop cheating on not just me but your family."

He laid in bed, reaching over and turning off his lamp. He whimpered slightly when he heard another crash noise, covering his ears as a rising panic filled him.

"Stupid anxiety" he thought to himself.

Sooner or later he was crying, hard into his pillow. "Stop, s-stop" he whimpered breathlessly, again pumping the inhaler in his mouth. He let out a dry sob when he heard even more glass break.

He finally decided he had enough.


As Chase and his friends gathered around the table, they chat and ate chips, at his house.

"So, lover boy" His friend, Jason, teased. "You and Connor going to the park tomorrow."

The rest of his friends went, "Oooh" to which he replied with the roll of his eyes. "We're just going to the park." "Ah, but you're together" Tim pointed out.

"And going to the park can lead to going at it at the park" Jason smirked. They all laughed as Chase got a call, the phone reading

Connor xx

"Speak of the devil," Jim laughed and high-fived Jackson. They all laughed again and Chase walked out of the room, into the hallway.

"Ch-Chase they're fighting again" he heard a small whimper. Then more yelling and things breaking, along with Connor letting out a loud sob.

"Hey... Hey, it's alright, Con" he cooed through the phone, going into the room to get his jacket and keys. "Hold on, babe." He placed the phone on his shoulder. "You guys, I gotta go, Connor's-"

"Are they fighting again" Jason asked abruptly, standing. "Yeah." "I'm coming with you." He grabbed his jacket and together they left.


Sure his parents fought a lot, but he was never involved. So when Connor's dad came in and grabbed his suit case, throwing his clothes into it, his anxiety seemed to shoot rocket high.

A ringing noise burst in his ears as his mom came in and yelled about how his father couldn't take her son from her. At least that's what he heard... He wasn't really paying attention.

"Stop it... please" he begged as he rocked himself back and forth on the bed. There was a knock at the door, at least that's what he thought. But there must have been, because soon, his mother walked out to answer the door.

His father continued packing his things, and that was when he heard someone. "Let me help you with that."

All worries washed away as he saw Chase standing there, Jason behind him. He cried out and reached for Chase, who rushed over and hugged him tightly.

Jason began to help pack his things and he looked up at Chase sadly.

Chase cooed at the confused and sad expression etched upon his face. "You're coming with me, babe.. don't worry. We're not gonna let him put you on the street."

Connor relaxed against Chase and nodded, breathing out roughly. "Come on, let's go" Jason said quietly, and together, they left.


"Terrible, awful excuses for parents" Chase's mom said quietly as she comfortingly rubbed a hand on Connor's back. "Can't believe they'd treat such a lovely angel so badly."

Connor was asleep in Chase's bed, and Chase was standing by the closet, putting his bags away. The others had left now.

"Night, mom" he said when he was finished, and she smiled, kissing Connor on the cheek. She stood and did the same to him, "G'night pumpkin." Then she walked out, and Chase rubbed his cheek.

He walked to the bed and pulled Connor into his arms, kissing his forehead. "Chase" Connor asked softly, and Chase won't lie, it kinda scared him.

"Yeah, babe?" Connor cuddled closer to him and whispered softly, "You're my safe haven."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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