Found- Keefe POV

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Keefe sat in a coffee shop in Italy, Two years, 37 countries. No Sophie. He looked out the window gasping when he saw a girl about 17 or 18, Identical to Sophie. She was by the fountain posing for a picture. He saw a guy standing nearby snapping the photo. They resumed walking and the girl pointed toward the coffee shop. The guy smiled and nodded throwing his arm over her shoulder. They walked in, and Keefe met her eyes. It was Sophie. He had finally found the girl that haunted his dreams.

He waited to see if she recognized him, but she just had a confused look on her face, before turning back to the guy, he nodded and pointed towards the bathroom. Keefe watched her head to the bathroom. The guy with her got her coffee and his coffee and went to a table to wait. He looked up making eye contact with Keefe. He squinted his eyes, and pulled a pill bottle out of his jacket putting two pills next to Sophie's drink. Keefe sipped his coffee waiting for Sophie to return. When she did, she sat down with her back to Keefe. She picked up the pills, and Keefe saw her friend, explaining something. Before she nodded and took them. Keefe watched them talking and saw them holding hands. Were they dating? He thought but then he noticed how Sophie was dressed. She wouldn't dress like that before; something had changed, and he needed to know what. He stood up meeting the guy's eyes, the guy shook his head at him, but Keefe didn't care. He stood up walking over to them.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Are you ready to go Soph?" the guy interrupted. So, it was Sophie. Keefe looked at her, she opened her mouth to respond and then nodded.

"Ok then, let's get back home, you have school tomorrow." He stood still holding Sophie's hand. " Hey, Soph- I'm going to go to the bathroom quick. Can you wait by the door?"

"Sure, Ruy," she said following him. Keefe watched them, Ruy turned as he entered, and Sophie stood against the wall, he pointed at Keefe and moved his hand as if shoeing him away. Too bad for him Keefe was determined to talk to Sophie. As Ruy disappeared. He walked up to Sophie,

"Hey, I'm Keefe, I was just wondering if we've met before." He said.

Sophie didn't respond she just looked at him with the same confused look from before and then she looked at the bathroom door. Was she scared of Ruy, had he threatened her? The bathroom door opened, and Ruy came out.

"Hey, Sophi- I told you to leave my girl alone," he said grabbing her wrist. Keefe realized he was speaking the enlightened language when Sophie looked between them confused.

"Ruy...What language are you speaking?" she asked.

"Don't worry about it baby." He said turning back to Keefe. "It's in her best interest that you leave now, forget what you saw, and move on with your life."

"This isn't her," Keefe said pointing to Sophie, who was scooting away from both of them.

"Ruy..." She said eyes darting around.

"What did you do to her, the real Sophie wouldn't act like this," Keefe said stepping towards Ruy.

"Ruy...Who am I?" she asked passing out. Ruy spun around and caught her. Keefe reached for Sophie to make sure she was okay.

"Stay away, Keefe, we're engaged to be married, and you can't stop it," Ruy said before carrying Sophie out. Keefe stared, Engaged? That explained a lot of things, but he knew Sophie, was out of it. She was being drugged or something if she couldn't remember him. 

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