Lost in Memory- Sophie's POV

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Sophie woke up in bed, She sat up and saw Ruy sleeping beside her, shifting away from him. She noticed she was only in her underwear. When did that happen? She slid out of bed and put on some leggings, and a sweater. She went by the window and looked out.  People were passing by, she spotted a head of blonde. She had seen that person before. Recently. She glanced at Ruy still asleep. She slid the window open and climbed out onto the fire escape. She closed the window and went down. She ran into the person at the bottom.

"Sophie?" he asked she met his ice blue eyes.

"How do you know my name?" she asked

"You can't remember me?" he asked stepping cautiously towards her.

"No...Why would I?" Sophie asked. 

"Listen whatever, he has told you to believe, is a lie," he said 

"What do you mean?" she said 

"Is there a place he won't look for you so we can talk?" he asked 

"Uh-Yeah...This way."  She said grabbing his wrist and guiding him through the busy streets. Into a garden. She went to her favorite spot and sat down. He sat with her, and she saw him take a deep breath.

"Sophie, do you remember anything about Elves?" Sophie paused thinking, She shook her head, "No...but something about it is familiar." she said trying to figure out what was tugging at her brain. 

"Okay so long story short, you're an Elf. You had been living with us for half a year when you disappeared. I and a friend of yours went over to ask you something, and your guardians Grady and Edaline didn't know who you were. You also told us you were accepting a marriage proposal from someone to protect Grady and Edaline. " he said, Sophie stared at him.

"This friend...What color are their eyes?" she asked curious about the second set of eyes.

"his eyes are silver blue, Why?" he said looking at her.

"You and he... your eyes are the only thing I remember from this past life you speak of. They have haunted me for the two years I've been with Ruy," she said realizing she didn't remember anything before that. She closed her eyes trying to remember a name that floated across her brain, Keefe.  "Are you...Keefe?" she asked with her eyes closed.

"Yes! are you remembering anything else?" he asked her.

"Tam. the other eyes belong to my friend Tam...from...Exillium!" she said remembering how she knew him. 

"Good," he said.

"And you... we met at someone's house. We pranked them together." she said opening her eyes. He had the biggest smile on his face. 

"Can you remember anything else?" he asked. She closed her eyes. she did,

"We trained for something together, your dad caught us almost kissing one time...He got really mad because I went to Exillium, but I stood up to him," she said, pausing she was trying to remember something it was tied to memories of pain and terror.  

Images flashed through her brain, she saw a door opening and then someone drugged her. She woke up tied to a chair. She heard voices, then someone told her to marry them and she would be free. Ruy. Ruy had forced her to marry him. She had been tortured she remembered the pain. The feel of her flesh burning. She remembered when they threatened Grady and Edaline, and she accepted the marriage proposal, and Ruy, told her he would make her fall in love with him. she remembered the threats, he used to make her do things. She wrapped her arms around herself, it all made sense now. 

"Sophie?" Keefe asked.

"I remember everything..." she whispered opening her eyes. She met Keefe's eyes. Holding up her hand. "I'm engaged to this monster," she said, his eyes saw the ring, and he took her hand.

"Soph-" he started cut off by Ruy,

"Sophie there you are!" he said running into the garden, Sophie glanced at Ruy and then back at Keefe. "Whose this?" he asked pointing at Keefe.

"A friend," she said standing up. 

"Why didn't you leave a note?" he asked stepping towards her. She resisted the urge to shy away after knowing what he had done to her. 

"You were asleep," she said, 

"So you left to hang out with some dude? Sophie, we're engaged you can't do this anymore." Ruy said, his tone changing. 

"I've never done this before." She said fisting her hands by her sides. He grabbed her wrist. 

"We're going home," he said. Pulling her with him, his grip tight, she knew she couldn't get away so she let him take her away from Keefe. They got back to the apartment complex and went upstairs. Sophie sat on the bed watching Ruy pace for a bit. She tried to hide the fact that she remembered everything. 

"Sophie. Whatever he told you, it was a lie." Ruy said spinning around so fast it startled Sophie.

"What do you mean?"She asked, meeting his eyes.

"I can see it I know he told you something and now you remember something," he said walking towards her, he grabbed her shoulders. Sophie did the only thing she could think of doing. She pulled him in for a kiss. He pushed her away.

"No Sophie, don't lie to me I know you've remembered something. Tell me," he said threateningly.

"You...tortured me and forced me to accept a marriage proposal and then erased it from my memory somehow." she blurted, looking at the ground. 

"Did I now?" he said releasing her shoulders. Sophie tried to slide away. "Don't try, Sophie." she stopped her memories of the torture terrifying her. He spun and grabbed her shoulders, muttering incoherently to himself. He walked away and came back with rope. She bolted away from him but ran into the wall. He grabbed her wrist guiding her back to the bed.

"Sit," he said and she sat down. He wrapped the rope around her wrists, tying them tight before tying the other end to the bed. "I have to go somewhere, if you move at all you'll regret it," he said walking away he locked the door. 

She listened as his footsteps faded, and stood up she walked to wear the rope was tied to the bed. She began working on the knot slowly hoping he wouldn't get back before she could escape. She heard footsteps returning and panicked. She sat down on the bed. Right as he walked in. He looked at her and then at the rope. 

He came over and threw clothes at her feet. untying her wrists. 

"Get dressed," he said walking to another part of the room. Sophie stared at him and realized he was going to make sure she didn't try to run. She changed into black jeans and a white crop top. She pulled her sweater back on. 

Sitting back down on the bed. A knock sounded at the door. and he walked towards it. Sophie scooted slowly towards the window while he was distracted. He spun as if knowing. "You're going to regret that." he said pulling open the door. "Come in." Sophie stopped moving as he walked over to her and grabbed her. The other person brought a chair in, and Ruy dragged Sophie to it, forcing her to sit. He tied a wrist to each arm of the chair, Tying her ankles to it also. 

"Tell us what you remember." He demanded.

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