Chapter 9

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After a few very, long difficult weeks, I'd kinda moved into my great-grandparents' home. "Kind of" as in still need to put my stamp on it. But there's plenty of time to do that. I'm in no rush. Yes, my parents think I'm crazy, but I assured them I can do this. Oh God, I really hope I can do this. Sure, my grandparents said they'd help since three horses are theirs, and only one of them is mine. So that's a bonus. But I have to look after them, which is fair enough. I knew I would have to do this, especially if I'm to live here, it's a given.
I told granny Neena, I'd take care of her too. But she insisted on staying with my granny Hales. She didn't want to cramp my style. Of course, I told her she could never cramp my style because she's too cool. Yes, she laughed at me.
Since we laid my grand-pops to rest, I guess she's been okay. Every time someone asks her, if she's okay, she'd always say, she's plodding along. I know she is, but I can see she's heartbroken. Of course, she is, he was her husband for over twenty going on for thirty years. So yeah, it's got to be a pretty hard thing to come to terms with. Losing him was hard enough, but getting left behind to start again and in a new home too. Well, it's got to be even hard.

So what have I been up to? Well, after saying our final farewells to my grand-pops. I'd obviously told my parents about moving out. Yes, I called Mr Jefferson's secretary up. I called, just to take him up on his job offer. So this is my second week on the job. The crazy part though, all I ever do now is, look for him, for Jaxon. I don't even know if he's back. No, I've not asked anyone about him either. I guess I'm just too scared in case they tell me, he's met someone else or worse moved away for good. The sad part about everything is that he still hasn't responded to my voice message or any of my texts. Naturally, I understand he's mad, but it's been weeks now and he's still avoiding me.

So right now. I'm standing taking a few photos of the stadium grounds. All while I'm doing it, the under eighteens are playing on the pitch.
Yeah, I'm not sure why yet, but I've only taken pictures with them for now so that's another reason I've not seen him yet. That is until I get a text from my new boss.

*Miss Lawrence, could you come to my office, please. I have your next project to discuss with you.*

I end up rolling my eyes when I read that Miss Lawrence part. I've told him, he can call me Billie, but he refused. I guess he's just keeping it professional which is fair enough. I mean, he's my boss, not my friend. However, I have made a friend in this place. You remember the caretaker, the one who told me where to find Jax? Yeah, his name is Tony, and he's my only buddy in this place. Well, if I'm honest with you it can get kinda lonely at times.
Walking around this huge place alone isn't much fun at all. I guess it's something I need to get used to, you know being alone. I say this because I'm up in that farmhouse all alone. Let me tell you, the night times are the worst. I mean, the house freaking creaks at night. It's creepy as hell. So in order to help me sleep, I keep my music on. I don't know. I guess after my little chat with my grand-pops, it's kinda freaked me out a little. It was an amazing thing, but when I'd told my granny Hales what he'd told me. Well, put it this way she'd basically broken down sobbing her heart out with happy tears. She knew exactly what he meant, but the sad parts how she wouldn't elaborate. Yet, she did tell me her winding road had stopped. It stopped when she'd met, my Grandad's Harvey and Isaac.
Anyway, I'm sat here being in Mr Jefferson's office chair. I'm facing him while he finishes up his phone call.

"Yes, thank you, Mr Owen. I'll get my secretary on that and she'll have that document written up, A.S.A.P.
Yes, thank you and have a good evening." He finished and placed his office phone down before looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Well, now Miss Lawrence, I do apologise for that. I'm afraid I had to take it. But you're here now so now let's get down to business your next project, shall we?"
I'm nodding my head, telling him it's okay.
"So, what exactly will I be doing, sir?"
He sweeps his hand out, telling me to call him Carson.
"Hell, everyone else does around here so you might as well, join them. Anyway..."
Before he attempts to carry on I remind him, I'd like for him to do the same with me.
"I'd really prefer it if you just call me Billie. It kinda feels weird when people call me Miss Lawrence all the time."
He grins and nods his head telling me, he knows the feeling.
"Okay. Well, it'll take a little getting used to, but I'll do my best. Right so let's get this first project out of the way and then we'll discuss the next. We have a few things lined up you know what with the champions coming up. So it means, you'll be very busy for the next few weeks.
So make sure you get plenty of rest because you'll be up shit hot every morning. You'll be sorting out all the squad's stats and pictures for the stadium's programs. Then we need a squad group photo and that's with the whole team plus coaches.
The big one is the championships, so you'll be there all day. You'll be there making sure, to get all the great shots. Yes, there will be a lot of news crews there with photographers, but make sure you get the best ones. I know it's good publicity you know for the squad, but I don't want them having all the great shots.
Anyway, if the boys win."

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