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'Did she, or didn't she?'

After ending the call with Billie, I end up sighing again. I hate it when she leaves. What was that though? I mean, she always hangs on the line we always talk for ages. And who is this, friend? Oh, fuck! I hope it's not a guy. Her call today stung again. Every time I ask her, she pulls back with a stupid fucking excuse. Why can't she see it would be so much better if I live with her? We're practically together every day anyway, so why won't she just try?

"When we eventually meet someone..." shit, even the thought almost caused my chest to cave in. I guess she has a point though. I mean, she seems set now. She's made her point, but is she not feeling this? Maybe it's time. You know, to move on now? Maybe I should just move on from her? And that call that one call had told me something she'd told me she's over me. She's ready to move on completely.

I guess I fell asleep on my sofa. I must have because while I'm waking, my back is creaking feeling so much pain as I move. Fucker! That hurts. That will teach me not to fall asleep on a freaking futon sofa.
I notice the TV is still playing away. And the noise that woke me up. Well, I don't hear it and it's definitely not my Princess. I'll check anyway, because sometimes when she wakes. Well, she just lays there patiently waiting for me. The best feeling in the world is when I get there I'm greeted with a huge smile. My Princess, my Babie is the only love I need right now. She's my world. And no, I won't be settling down with anyone, not for a long time. My Princess comes first, always.
As I walk out of my living room, I startle and almost jump out of my skin when I hear someone knocking on my door. Yet before opening it, I check the peephole. You can't be too careful. I mean, who the fuck can it be at this hour? Only when I see who it is, my eyes go wide.

"W-what are you doing here?"
"Well, I thought we could have a catch-up. It's been a while, and I kinda missed you."

My brows nip together. I'm wondering why she's doing this. I'm also thinking, could I do this? And then I think about her, and every time she'd push me away. Along with every time she'd knock me down, telling me she didn't feel the same. And then I think of Babie, my Princess. She's in the next room fast asleep. She's all I need in my life. They both are. Thinking of Billie and Babie, I'm about to tell her my thoughts and tell her to fuck off from my door! And if I see her again, I won't get held responsible for what I do.. but then I hear a gasp, and my eyes find Billie, looking not only shocked but hurt too.

"Billie, wait. It's not what you think. I-"
I'm about to go to her and plead with her to believe me, but she shook her head.
"No, Zealie, it's okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come. Hell, I don't even know why I came. Well, I guess I do. I guess I came to tell you we're good now. We're done."

What the fuck? We're done? We're good? What does that even mean? I attempt to ask her this too, but she just shakes her head. Then with a sad smile, she tells me she'll see me tomorrow.

"Don't forget to bring, her Rag. You know, she cannot sleep without it."

Once she's out of sight, I let this crazy bitch have it. I tell her exactly what I think of her. And as expected her eyes go wide.

"W-what?" She almost whispered with wide eyes.
"You! You need to go find someone your age. Seriously, it's embarrassing. Because of you, I've lost everything. You knew I was off my face, and you knew all about her. I told you everything, and you still pushed and pushed! You pushed me until I was so broken that I should leave her. You were the one who fucked with my head, telling me she's no good and she'll only pull me down. You told me I can't love anyone. It's not in our nature! Damn it, you'd fucked my head up! And now you've done it again! Just fuck off from my door! I never want to see you again!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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