Chapter 10

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just pretend i posted this in 2022 and didn't go more than a year without doing anything ok? i don't want to hear it. also unedited (like all my other chapters lmao) so feel free to point out any mistakes or inconsistencies

Ron approached Harry the next day at breakfast, a smug look in his eyes but a sheepish smile on his lips. All of it corroborated into a weird facial expression that felt very off.

"Hey, Harry," he said. Harry turned to stare at him questioningly. He continued, "Erm...Professor Dumbledore spoke to me, and now I realize I... well, listen, I'm really sorry about how I acted." Kyrios opened his mouth to say something undoubtedly furiously, but he didn't need to. Before he got a single word out, Harry spoke.

"Then why did you?"

"I-what?" Ron spluttered

"If you're really sorry, then why did you act like such an ass in the first place? I had thought we were friends, Ron."

"We-we are! Aren't you going to apologize too?!"

Harry stood, looking Ron in the eye. He waited a few seconds until Ron started to shift uncomfortably under his gaze. 

"Well?" the redhead said nervously

"No," he said simply, "I won't."

"Why not?!" Ron snapped, his composure finally breaking

"Because I tried first, I tried to be your friend but you pushed me away," Harry snarled, "Don't come back crying after that. Go on now, go back to all your friends who aren't traitors."

"Professor Dumbledore said—"

"I don't think you understand," Harry said coldly, "I'm asking; nicely asking, for you to leave me alone. I don't care a bit for what the Headmaster has to say, get out."

"You're making a mistake, Harry.  You're meant to be a hero, but these people - Lestrange, Malfoy, Nott - they are followers of your parents' murderer!" Eyes were starting to turn toward the scene Ron was making. "

Death eaters!" he continued, "Do you know what their parents did in the war? What they did for You-Know-Who? They aren't trustworthy!"

Kyrios rose, his fists clenched tightly, but Theodore pulled him back down. "Stop it," he hissed, "You'll only get in more trouble. Besides, I think Potter can handle this."

"So what if they are?! I don't care," Harry said, "They aren't their parents. They didn't do anything, we're all only children for god's sake!"

"You'll regret this, Potter," Ron said shakily, pointing a finger at the entirety of the Slytherin table accusingly as he backed away toward his own house

"Oh, so it's back to Potter now, huh?!" Harry yelled after him. He growled and sat back down as the hall burst into murmurs, "Can you believe him?" Harry exclaimed, "After-after everything! He has the absolute nerve to try that?!"

The group was silent, Theodore seemed to be the only one who wasn't completely shocked to the core yet even he was a little surprised at Harry's outburst.

"What?" Harry asked, "Why aren't you guys saying anything?"

Draco quickly came out of his stupor, raising an eyebrow, he said, "I didn't know you had it in you, Potter. Weaselbee looked nearly as red as his stupid Gryffindor robes."

"Hm...I think it was closer to his hair colour," Blaise grinned

Harry smiled bashfully at that, and soon the entire group was laughing

•• Halloween skip ••

"Why's everyone so cheerful today?" Harry asked at breakfast as he looked around at the decorated hall, "I know it's Halloween, but it's not that special right? In the normal- the muggle world, sorry, they didn't care that much about it except to go Trick-or-Treating."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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