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BRUHHH I had the beginning part in my notes but then it got deleted 🤡🤡  but Uh badicslly what happened before this is theh drove to the event, they unpacked and rehearsed and then this happened and also they are planning to preform 88 at tbe end to save the performance because of how bad the play is also Rui changed the script a bit

The big doors opened, and who was probably the host of the party walked in.

"Oh? Their early?" Tsukasa asked.

"Ah! Hello! Your Wonderlands x Showtime right? I see you finished rehearsing for the play. I have faith in you guys I bet the show will be amazing!" Said the host.

"Yeah...amazing..." muttered Tsukasa.

"Your very early? Did plans change?" Questioned Rui.

"Early? No I'm exactly on time," the host said, confused.

"How long were we...?" Nene was interrupted by the host, "people should start arriving in ten minutes, so it's best you get your costumes on!" He said.

"Ten minutes!?" Shrieked Tsukasa.

The three others began frantically digging through their bags for the costumes.

Since Nene didn't need a costume, she stayed behind with the host.

"So, what kind of play are you putting on?" He asked.

"Since a certain someone didn't let us know about this show in time, we didn't have a lot of time to write something. The play is honestly kind of trash but to make up for it we have prepared a song at the end," said Nene.

"I see. I mean, the play really can't be that bad?" The host said.

"Have a look," she said, passing him the script.

Three minutes later when he had finished skimming through the script he looked up at her.

"It's uh, definitely something..." he mumbled, "I must go! Guests will be arriving any minute!!"

The others came out from backstage, "we are ready!!" Emu said.

They looked at the doors where guests started arriving.

The host got up on stage and Emu, Rui, Nene and Tsukasa got into their places.

Nene waited in her designated spot for another ten minutes, as the host was using the microphone to welcome guests.

"Without further ado...I give to you...A Capybara's Revenge," said the host, running off stage to join the audience.

"Once upon a time there was a little girl who had a pet capybara," narrated Rui.

"Oh my sweet, sweet capybara," Nene said as usual, petting Tsukasa's head.

"One day, when the girl and capybara were out on a picnic, the capybara's capybara senses began tingling," Rui continued.

"My capybara senses are tingling! They are leading me to this nearby cave," Tsukasa said.

Tsukasa crawled over to the makeshift cave, where Emu was.

"Why have my capybara senses lead me here?" Tsukasa asked.

"I am here to turn you into a human to seek vengeance on the capybara who killed your capybara father," Emu said.

"Really?" Tsukasa asked.

"Bam!! Boom!! Skittle pop!! Your a human now!" Said Dmu.

Tsukasa got up off the floor, "haha, so it is true! I am indeed a human now!!"

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