Chapter 4

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Markisha POV

Anna , LaRissa, and I were walking backstage. Prodigy told me to come by their dressing room first. So i just followed the directions that he texted me.

We showed the guards our passes and started back down another hallway. We got to the door that led us to the boys room and all of us were nervous, excited, and anxious. We were in the order LaRissa, Anna and then me. I refused to walk in the front.

When LaRissa stuck her hand out the door flew open. When we looked up Ken and Walter there mangers were standing there. 

"Hey ladies , How you doing?" Walter asked.

"Great" we said in unison.

"You guys must be the girls that Prodigy has been talking about." Kennith said

"Yeah" I said.

"Well have fun." they said and walked away.

We all took a deep breath and walked in the room.

"You must be Markisha, Anna and LaRissa." Ray Ray said with a smile. At the sound of our names they other boys came running in. I kept my head down and was about to walk out the room because my phone started ringing but then i was engulfed in a hug. I looked up and saw Princeton.

"Your must be there girl that prank called Prodigy! That was cool, We should prank call sometime!" I Laughed and then Prodigy pulled me away.

"Prince chill , Don't get to comfortable." He said and hugged me. I Started to blush.

When he let go i looked around and saw that everyone was talking and just having a great time.

"Let us introduce ourselves" Roc said.

"Its yours Truly Princeton, I'm Roc , Wassup Im Prodigy && Its Ya Man Ray Ray" They all said. "And we are Mindless Behavior."

"Your turn." Ray said.

"Welp , I'm Markisha , thats LaRissa and Anna." I said introducing us all.

"Well nice to meet you all." Princeton said.

After we introduced ourselves LaRissa and Ray continued to talk as Anna and Roc did. Princeton was on the phone with someone and i was left to talk to Prodigy. Most of the stuff he asked me were simple questions and answers. Walter came back and told the boys that it was time for them to go onstage. So we left the boys and made our way to our seats. Throughout the whole performance the boys were pointing at us. I almost died for 2 reasons.

1. Our crushes/Loves/ Future Husbands were pointing to us on stage.

2. The faces TM were making at us could have killed us all. Its not that I'm scared but its like hundreds of them and then 3 of us.









After the concert we headed backstage but this time there were three more girls. And they were all over Prodigy, Roc and Ray. You could tell the boys were trying to keep a distance from the girls. LaRissa and Anna were obviously seeing it also because they all looked at me with salty looks on there face. But i just kept on a fake smile. Roc looked at LaRissa with a 'Please help look' but he quickly solved his own problem. "Hey , your shoe is untied." He said to the girl. When she bent down to look at her shoe he mouthed "Her breathe smells." We all just laughed. But I just noticed that the girl didn't have shoe strings. I wonder how she feels. Minutes later Ray looked Anna for help. So she walked over there Anna tapped the girl on the shoulder and said "Hey , Your own my Boyfriend." The girl quickly moved, like she was scared or something and left the room.

"Problem solved." Anna cheered. And started a conversation with Ray because LaRissa was talking to Roc.

I Ignored Prodigy and the multicolored hair. I felt my phone go off.

Prodigy <3

Save me NOW! && Stop acting like you don't see me.

I then walked over to him and the girl, Before i even opened my mouth she said rolled her eyes at me. Maybe it was just something in her eye, She wasn't rolling her eyes at me. I guess LaRissa saw because she looked at me and smirked. I don't have anger problems i just don't like being direspected.

"Hey , Uhm Excuse me i need talk to Prod for a minntue." i said.

"What did you just say?" the girl said.

"I need talk to Prodigy" i stated agian.

"Tf? This is my motherf -----

Well guys I'm going to stop here.

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