28. Mindscape

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The sounds of footsteps 2

Two people identical in every way except the color of their hair being black and white respectively

Then one of them looked curiously at the other saying" hey black how were you created , you never told me the event that caused it?"

Black in question sighed and said " white.......well I might as well tell you...I have memories of like a day before my creation , she broke up with us , it was a very devastating thing , and the mind almost shattered there were many cracks here and there it was chaos and then i appeared, he just stood blankly facing the screen"

"Do you know what he said?"

White asked back "what?!" The curiosity clearly killing him

Black looked lost in thought saying" he said

"Why? I changed , I gave everything , why
What did I do wrong"

" I even stopped...."

White said " stopped what?!

Black face distorted as he said " I don't remember he erased my memory of that, but I know that more cracks appeared"

That's when he proceeded to erase my emotions and put me in charge then he just went to that corner and he's been there ever since"

White looked at the mentioned person sadly still in the hugging knees position

Then black looked at white and said " be grateful you still have ur emotions.....I have non"

White smiled and said " I'm sure when he heals you'll get it back"

Black just frowned and said "when he heals we will seize to exist cause our purpose will be done "

White then said" all the better then at least we'll be set free"

Black sighed saying " Yh"

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