58. The End of the Beginning

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As he stood on this desolate planet , he operates on a machine typing away at a panel until he hears footsteps close by

"Stop! Will I said stop!"
A voice said belonging to a woman evident to the high tone

Will in question turns to face her and looks at her for a second before saying

"I see that you followed me , and even brought company"

his eye twitched in annoyance as he sees his brother Sam

Will then continues "nevertheless, Welcome to earth prime Aurora"

Aurora and Sam look around them in confusion

Will slowly walked around the machine saying

"Before there was thought ,there was this place.......One earth with a single history

but with the coming of man came the illusion of free will and with that illusion came.........chaos ,

With every choice we make , we literally create a new world

History branches in two

Creating one earth where we made the choice and another where we didn't,

That's the secret of the universe you know?"

Will stopped and looked at them , then continued  "Billions of people making billions of choices thus, creating infinite earths

Some so similar to each other you could spend a lifetime looking for a distinction, others so radically different they defy comprehension"

Then Sam took a step forward saying "and all of the branches originate here"

"Yes my dear brother every version of reality balances precariously on this singular earth we know

I can't imagine what series of decisions led to the wasteland we see before us but I know this"

"And what would that be Will" Aurora said his name with such venom if words could kill he would have died a hundred times over

Will sighed and shook his head and said
" the source of the disaster is the same as always is.......Man.

Sam looking panicked said "You can't be sure of that , anything—"

"You know better Sam" Will interrupted him saying

"Man is a cancer and I've chosen to cut out this disease" will said

Sam and Aurora looked horrified as the realization settled in on what he implied

"You're talking about killing—" Aurora said

"Everyone who ever lived, whoever will live
I choose to make the only possible real choice" Will looked down while saying

"You're insane" She said

"Does it really matter , there are alternate versions of me that you would find quite charming" Will said while chuckling

Sam looked at Will in sorrow and said "what happened to you , everything about you just screams of outrage , Despair , heartbreak, sorrow,"

"What terrible wrong was done to set you on this path"

Will looked lost in thought then recovered and said "it doesn't matter , nothing matters  anymore"

Aurora said " Yea nothing matters cause we'll stop you"

Will looked at them and said " I've accounted for you guys ,and I've made sure to set the machine before your arrival even if you kill me now , nothing will stop what is to come"

Sam kneeled in defeat as Will just slowly sat down and looked at the sky while the machine slowly clicked and shot a ray into the sky

Aurora ran towards him in outrage as a blinding light slowly destroys everything.

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