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"Hey, Two?"


"I was wondering if it'd be okay if me and Coiny took a break from the challenge?"

"Yeah, sure! But why?"

"Uhh...It's—" Pin averts her eyes. "Personal."

Two raised an eyebrow, but ended up shrugging it off. "Okay then. You two have fun!" They smiled and waved at her as she walked off.

She waved back, though her smile faded as she turned around.

Pin understood that what she had been saying before may have been harsh, but... She only wanted the best for her team.

She only wanted the best for Coiny. And it's not like she knew that Two would've been okay with it, hell, should be expected given how harsh their last hosts have been!

Even then, she has morals. And she at least wants to be a good influence for her team, if not leader.

But what Coiny said...is that really how he sees her? Just wanting to WIN, with no moral compass whatsoever?

Needless to say, it makes her question their friendship.

But she really does care about her best friend, they've been through a lot together. And Pin doesn't want that to fade away just because of a petty argument.

Her thoughts are interrupted as she realizes she's already right where she needs to be.

She sighs, knocking on the door.


The door opens with a creak, Coiny peaking out with an eyebrow raised but he quickly puts on a smile as he realizes who it is. "Hey!"

"Hey. Uhm—About our little.. disagreement-"

Coiny's smile shrunk a bit.

"I was..thinking. Two gave the OK to take a break from the challenge, so—maybe we could take that time to..break the ice?"

"Break the ice?"

"Yeah! Like, hang out, no stressing out over the next challenge, maybe even go out on our own little adventure—just uh..have fun."

Coiny blinked. "Stressing out?"


He stared for a moment, as if contemplating in his head before ultimately smiling again. "Well..sure! Sounds fun, and gotta love spending time with you!" He finger guns, before walking out, "I'm in!"

"Great!" Pin smiled back, taking his hand. "We should go let the team know."

"Alright." Coiny went along with her as she walked to the living room.

This'll be fun.

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