Breaking The Ice

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"We're LEAVING!"

There was a cough.

"...What?" Saw weakly asked.

"What Coiny MEANT to say," Pin puts a hand on his head, "Is that we're both taking a break from the challenge, to go out and..adventure, I guess."

"Ooo, fun. How long will you guys be gone, though..?" Barf Bag chipped in.

"We're not sure." Coiny shrugs, "Were just gonna let the wind take as wherever we need to go~" He does a movement with his hands.

"..Okay. Were off, Donut's in charge while we're gone." She grabbed Coiny's hand and dragged him out.

"Wait wha-" Donut was cut off as they closed the door.

"I suppose we should get some supplies? I mean, I don't know how long we'll be out and we might need food, water, whatever.."

"Sure! What about transportation?"

"I was thinking we could just..walk?"

"Orrrr.. We could borrow the Freesmart van?"

They heard somewhere, far from the distance, "ITS A SUPER VAN, DAMN IT!!!!"

They blinked, and stared at eachother.


"Yeah! None of the alliance is here anymore, well except for Book and Ice Cube of course but I mean—If we're gonna be real, would they really care? They WERE just alternates." He shrugs, smirking a bit.

"I mean..if you're sure, I guess we could."

He smiled and took her hand, scurrying off to the nearest store.

Bread, water, milk, RainbowPuffs Cereal™️, crackers, and cookies. And a bunch of other foods and stuff too, of course.

"Your price adds up to $40.33." The cashier tiredly said, bagging their items.

Pin got out some money from her bag, Coiny watching with a giddy smile. "Mini me's!"

She rolled her eyes with a smile at Coiny as she paid. "Thanks."

They started walking out. "So, you excited for our adventure?" He looked up at Pin as she shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess so. I've never really done this before with anybody, though, so I'm a little nervous. What if something happens?"

"Relax! It'll be fine!

They put the bags in the trunk of the van, as well as some extra luggage they'd brought from their own rooms, and got inside. To put it shortly, Pin didn't trust Coiny behind the all. So she took over driving duty.

"I still don't get why you don't trust me."

"Well for one, I don't see any drivers license with you, and two, you probably can't even reach the windshield."

"... >:C"

She wasn't completely wrong, though. And he knew that. So he stayed silent after that as she started the van.

"We'll have to stop for gas, so we can grab a snack there if you want."

"I wonder if they have those pumpkin shaped chocolates—" coiny innocently pondered. Pin shrugged. "I hope so! It's like they taste better when they're shaped like that."

"I know, right?! Like, sure , they taste amazing as is, but something about them being shaped a different way for an event just makes it so much more delicious."

"Which is EXACTLY why my cookies are always heart shaped."


Any other time, Coiny would've snapped back with a much more..energetic response. But this time it was different. He let that fact sink in for a moment.

He hadn't really seen her shape them like that for anybody else unless it was a special occasion. So, why for him? Does she like him or something.

Coiny felt his face heat up a little at the thought. Boy, wouldn't that be something. Maybe she does. Or doesn't.

He wouldn't mind if she did, though.

"Are you embarrassed or something?" He heard a sudden voice say as he flinched a bit, being snapped out of his trance.

"Oh—No—Yeah, uh..-" He stuttered. "Yeah, I just thought of an old embarrassing memory." He laughed it off, hoping she'd get off his tail.

She raised an eyebrow, but eventually just smiled and shrugged it off. "Relatable."

He sighed and stared out the window as they drove. He had a love-hate relationship with long road trips.

They made him feel nostalgic, but they could also get pretty boring.

Pin felt almost the same way. A while ago, she had gotten so carsick on a drive that she had..err, vomited on the side of the road.

She shuddered at the memory. Bad times, bad times. this time wouldn't be like that though, at least she hoped not. she took some medicine to take care of it, so..

They finally stopped for gas, and Pin unbuckled her seatbelt. "You're on snack duty, don't disappoint me." She got out the car to pump some gas.

"Ai ai, captain!" He saluted her before heading inside. It was cute. He was cute, she thought.

No time for cuteness now, though. The van needs gas and she needs to stay focused.

Coiny had always had a bit of a sweet tooth. So, naturally, when he found out that a small hobby of Pin's was, well..baking, he was ecstatic.

He was almost just as ecstatic when he went through the candy isle in the shop.

There were cinnamon buns, lollipops, gummy worms, chocolates, you name it. He felt like he was in heaven. Which is obviously an overstatement, given there were many times when he was in the same situation, but it still feels just as magical.

He wanted to buy them all, but knew Pin would NOT be pleased with all their money spent on sweets. So he restrained himself to chocolate cinnamon rolls.

He decided to get some guacamole chips as well as a more savory counterpart.

He paid for the items and walked back to the car, opening the door and plopping himself inside.

Pin eye'd the items and smiled a bit. "Oooh, those look good..!"

"I'm sure they are." He was already opening the cinnamon rolls. "Save some for me." Pin remarked.

Ironically, Pin was less of a sweet tooth than Coiny was. While she did enjoy sweeter foods, she preferred a savory taste. Baking was just a hobby she picked up on and enjoyed.

"You know I will." He gave a reassuring smile, before taking a bite.

She started the car up again, and they were back on the road.

Well. This is off to a good start.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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