Worst Memory

18 1 0

Having had a rough childhood i had never known that my step-dad was not my bio dad. i had always been told that he was my dad until a nurse blurted out while i was there. "are you still living with her step-dad" and my mother tried to cover it up but it was too late. i had already heard it and hearing that it had crashed my whole world (more than the other two chapters). i had believed for 15 years that my bio dad was my step-dad. all my mother would say was that "it was complicated and that they were married to different people at the time" i didnt find anything else after that until a year later when my mother was reading my messages to my then boyfriend. i was talking about how i knew nothing about my bio dad but my step-dad had raised me, just trying to explain that when i talk about my "dad" i was meaning my step-dad. well they had taken it the wrong way and not only did i get yelled at and berated about who my dad was that day i had also been grounded for two years from a phone and i was not aloud to meet my bio-dad until SHE thought I was ready. I spent a while thinking about how i wanted to meet him just to find out who my siblings were and to see if i belonged there because even to this day im the black sheep of my family. im the only sibling to not know who both their parents are.

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