Knocking? In This Economy?

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They smiled at him drunkenly as they tumbled into the night, the tavern behind them still aglow but it was nothing compared to their eyes. They leaned against one another; arms spread lazily against their backs all while they sang famous toons. It was a night they had shared many times, only this time when the song came to an end there was no endless laughter. "I'm a wizard." Their friend said loudly, followed by a bellow of surprised laughter.

The other laughed along, their mind not as clouded as their friend's. "Sure mate, if that be true then make me immortal. I'll spend an eternity getting laid!" They laughed again, stumbling some but still walking to their destination.

Their friend laughed too but the quiet between them filled with soft whispers from one, not that the other could tell.


You woke up with a start, your hands going for your greasy hair and you groaned loudly. You just wanted one night of rest but your stomach seemed to be against it. You haven't eaten in a hundred and twenty years yet your stomach hadn't gotten accustomed.

You went for the shower and spent countless minutes in the steaming water, the liquid so hot it left burns on your skin. It stung but you knew it would do no more, so you simply bared with it. Once done you went for your closet, tossing off the towel you had and instead deciding on a change of clothes. It wasn't like you had anywhere to go but work was always unpredictable, there was that small chance you would be called into a videocall.

You went to the kitchen and gazed at a photo as you passed, deciding it was best if you didn't sit where you could see it. Your work day started soon after and from then on it was simply boring work. Ever since a few years ago you would go from remote job to remote job, your name changing with each one. You used to have to work in an actual place but that was so long ago you figured they had shut down.

Time carried on and you skipped any time for food, not that you had any in the first place. It did pain you many times and bothered greatly but you knew you wouldn't die from it, all because of him.

After your work hours you turned on the television, something you had to teach yourself how to use. It wasn't like you used technology often in the first place but deep in your mind you understood that keeping with times would be beneficial. You fully got that picture fifty years ago when you mistakenly called a boy a lad, earning a confused gaze and a question on if you were from England, you did not know where England was.

With the sun away you decided to sleep, having no real reason to stay up. You were sure most went to the bars on a Friday night, much how you used to go the tavern at the same time, but that thought was long gone. You had multiple bottles of your own and would buy some if you felt the need, but that need was never strong.

The next morning was the same as the first and so was the morning after. You never left your home and you continuously ignored your stomach, even after you had gained a headache. From experience you knew it would go away and so you did not feel the need to concern yourself with such bothersome things.

After work one night there was a knock at your door. Thinking it was a child who got dared you stayed on your couch, but it came again, then again. Out of annoyance you went for your door, not bothering to peak out as you knew it would be a child. The adults in the neighborhood made sure all kids knew of the house on the edge of the block, the one house no one was supposed to go to. "What?" You asked annoyed, staring down at the kid that couldn't be any older than freshmen age.

They had messy hair and baggy clothes, a string-bag hanging off of one shoulder. It looked as though the kid was alone and therefore you assumed they chose to come on their own accord. "Can I come in?" They asked in a gruff, almost forced, tone. Their voice sounded scratchy but in a way that made it seem as though it was intended.

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