Change be Strange

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"Ho!" A voice called to them, drawing their eyes along with their head. They had been working on a project for months and would be damned if this person had stopped them, so their body continued to work as their head focused on the voice. "We're getting drinks, art thee coming?"

They scoffed, turning away from their newfound friend to continue with their work. It was the only thing that didn't remind them of their old friend, and in turn, the only thing they could do without having flashbacks. "Nay, I has't worketh to doth, save me a drinketh f'r anon." They replied steadily, earning a protest but nothing more as the footsteps receded.

If they could go back in time they would change that faithful night, but time could only continue. They were forced to carry on that burden but they knew it was one of their own. Their friend could not be to blame and no one else had known, so they had only themself. They feared they would never get away from the memory of their old mate and in turn would live a life of misery to punish them for their old acts.


"Come on, out now. The school starts at eight from what you have told me so you must be on your way, the walk is quite far." You ushered the child out, the clock showing 7:10. They had told you seven but you let the ten-minutes slide due to the gathering of books.

They rolled their eyes but grabbed the bagel from their plate to stuff in their mouth. You looked at them with mild distaste but kept quiet, your look resembling that of an upset mother.

As they passed you, they released the bagel from their teeth, turning so they could face you as they left your home. "See you later Butler, I'll be back tonight so we can finish the homework." You nodded mutely, not sure how to actually feel about them returning but not being able to reject the idea completely. "Oh!" They called once more, now almost off the lawn, "and we should make tacos tonight, it's Tuesday after all!"

They turned back before you could reply, your brain trying to remember what exactly tacos were. You have heard the name before and could vaguely remember eating them in late nineteen hundreds, but the actual design was coming up blank.

With a shake of your head, you closed the door and made your way to your phone, figuring you could get some groceries sent to your home as you complete your work for the day. The kid had eaten the bagel you bought this morning before they woke so your stomach growled angerly at you, though that was nothing new. You ignored it like usual as a yawn escaped your lips, the couch cushion far more comfortable than ever before.

As you shopped you worked, three devices blaring at you but only one with noise. You were still not completely accommodated to devices though you had watched them develop and grow. At first you didn't want to touch such things but after a few years you understood just how important they were. That was what had helped you get a job and even buy the alcohol that rested on your shelves, though a thin layer of dust had covered them.

The day grew into night and as promised the kid came back. They stayed the night once more and had even complimented your cooking, though the flinch from the first bite had told you they thought otherwise.

Since then, a routine was set. You woke up early to help them get ready for school and while they were away you taught yourself how to cook the foods they enjoyed most. Every time you understood the food would be left alone for a while you would work on your job and attend over the phone meetings. When they came back from school you helped with work or allowed them to rant about their day, usually over a hot beverage and a movie or show.

This of course was only over the weekday; the weekends were different.

Because of no school you were both allowed to sleep in, however the kid was usually gone by time you awoke. Even so you would find a scratch piece of paper sitting on your counter to replace them, and that told you all you needed to know.

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