chapter two

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tw- f slur, homophobia, bullying

"well, well, well," richie teased, slinging an arm around eddie's shoulders. "if it isn't my spaghetti man!"

eddie rolled his eyes and shoved richie off him. "don't call me that, dumbass!"

richie only grinned in response, moving his arm back to eddie's shoulders. this time, eddie didn't complain. he only sighed in annoyance, though it was more fake than real, and crossed his arms. "when's everyone else getting here?" he asked impatiently.

"soon, if they don't want to be late," richie answered. they were standing outside of derry high, waiting for the rest of their group. richie secretly treasured those small, alone moments with eddie. his arm around his shoulders or his waist in a half-joke, teasing him.

as if on cue, beverly walked up with ben at her side, the smell of cigarette smoke wafting off the girl. "hey." she smiled, hand intertwined with the boy next to her. "what's up?"

richie smiled. "the sky."

eddie scoffed. "amazing joke, tozier. maybe try getting some new ones for a change."

"you know, your mom likes my jokes. but that just might be because-" "oh, stuff it, trashmouth." eddie shoved a hand in his face, which richie licked. eddie pulled back his hand immediately.

"fucking gross! do you have any idea how many germs you have in your mouth? you barely even brush your teeth!" eddie wiped his hand hurriedly on his cargo shorts. "even the germs from my hand! you could get strep throat, or-

richie batted his eyes at him. "you care about me eds?"

"don't call me that."

"don't call me that,"a bitter voice mocked.

the four turned. henry bowers stood before them, eyes narrowed and an evil smirk on his face. "you fags done flirting yet?"

richie only blinked in response. he was used to be called such things- fag, flamer, queer, fairy-  but the wounds were still there, cutting deeper and deeper as time went on.

bowers began to push past the group before pausing in front of richie. he threw a glance at eddie and the arm slung around his shoulder, then looked back at richie, eyes narrowed in malice. "i guess that little note of yours was for your faggy friend, huh?"

richie's eyes widened. he knew about the note? attempting to hide his panic, he ducked his head. he was so fucked.

bowers laughed, short and sadistic. his group wasn't with him, surprisingly enough, so bowers only continued to push through. he didn't know the truth; he only wanted to tease richie a little. give him a taste of the shit that was coming. and based on the looks of his friend's faces, they didn't know! wasn't that rich. they'd all have a good surprise when they found out.

richie exhaled, relaxing a breath he hadn't known he was holding in. a panic had flooded him at the mention of the note and refused to wash away. everyone was looking at him.

"rich?" ben asked carefully, as if he was afraid richie would run off at the wrong word. "what was he talking about?"

words stuck in his mouth, richie could only offer a panicked half-smile before darting off to the boys bathroom. he needed to know if it was still there. his life depended on it. after the incident, he couldn't take another thing like this. never again. it hurt too much. he would rather die than-

it wasn't there. not in the stalls, not in the sinks, not even in the trashcan. it wasn't there. oh dear god. bowers must have it. he read it. he knew. well, of course he knew; he was the one who told everyone about the incident. 'hey richie tozier's a fag! no kidding'

richie sighed bitterly, adjusting his glasses.


things couldn't get much worse than this, could they?

things couldn't get worse than then, could they?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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