𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐟𝐮

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Something about Tofu that Xiao learned quickly, was that the it sheds more than a normal fox.

He didn't know if it were because of the fluffy tail, or due to the fact that the fox was not being an ordinary fox.

Often times, he would find his pillow and clothes covered in the white-cream colored fur.

Not only that, their claws were insanely sharp. Similar to that of kitten claws. Sharp, thin, and can shred everything.

Xiao had to go into the city—which he dislikes—to get new shirts. Tofu would sometimes play with the length of his sleeve, and hit around the jade ring that was at the end of it.

He sighed, dusting off his bed. Xiao locked Tofu out of his room so that he could dust his furniture and clean up the floor. The fox was always wanting to play, but Xiao refuses dangling around his sleeve to please the feline.

Maybe he could ask Verr Goldet for some ideas, as he's never owned an animal before, but here he is. Stuck with a rare breed of a fox, whether he wanted it or not.

He heard a whimper outside his door, but he ignored it. Soon enough, the mews at his door got louder.

With a scowl, Xiao opened the door to see the fox with its ears flopped down.

One last thing he noticed while having this fox around a couple days after Xiao named it, was that the fox didn't like being away from him for so long. It seemed to upset the feline if it was without him longer than an hour. If Tofu was alone, then it would be a shorter time.

"Fine, come in." Xiao opened the door further, stepping aside to let his new companion run in and jump onto his bed.

He grabbed a brush off the side table, sitting down and pulling Tofu onto his lap. The Yaksha gently combed through its hair, being extra cautious near the ears and tail.

During this process, Xiao took note of the tense muscles.

"You must be wound up, right, Tofu?" Xiao held them from under the front legs, looking into its almond eyes.

The fox let out a series of high pitch barks, squirming around. Tofu relaxed once they were comfortably held against Xiao's chest.

Tofu purred, rubbing against its owner. The feline was quite affectionate, something Xiao loves but would never admit.

He took the fox downstairs, walking up to the front desk. "Verr, you allow animals here at the Inn, did anyone leave behind any toys?"

Verr Goldet smiled upon seeing Xiao and his companion. "Why, of course. We have a plethora of cat and dog toys. Why don't you take a look?"

She set out two baskets, filled to the brim with various toys. Ones that looked like mice or foods. Some that were dangling on a stick, and plenty of balls and bones.

Xiao set down his fox, seeing if it would take any interest in the toys. Tofu only stared at them curiously, not knowing what they were.

Verr laughed at the fox, handing Xiao a few toys. "Why not try these? The ball you can throw around outside. The tussled string can be used in your room, along with the fake mice."

Xiao nodded, thanking her before he left with Tofu trailed after him.

Tofu jumped around in the grass and bushes when they made it outside, ears turning at every sound it heard.

"Well, here goes nothing." Xiao muttered to himself, throwing the ball out into the field.

Tofu was quick to chase after it, sniffing through the taller grass to track it down. Lifting the rubber ball into their jaws, it made its way back to Xiao. However, when Xiao reaches out to take the ball, it took off in another direction before turning back to him.

The adeptus sighed. "You're supposed to bring it back to me."

The feline carried it back, and when Xiao reached for it, it once again turned away. Seeing the male's annoyed face causes the fox to let out a laughing noise.

A vein popped on Xiao's forehead. He lunged toward the fox to get the ball back but it jumped back, letting him fall face first into the ground.

Tofu sat proudly on his back, tail wagging furiously as it held the ball up.

Xiao glared over his shoulder, rolling over to try and catch Tofu while it was close. The feline was too fast for him, and easily dodged, standing a few feet away.

"That's it. I'll cook you!" Xiao grabbed his mask that rested on his belt. "Evil Conquering!"

Tofu screeched, taking a dash towards the open field while an angered yaksha was hot on its tail.

Little did the two know, a pair of eyes watched them. The mysterious man took a sip from his tea, admiring the scene from atop the balcony.

"I see you found a friend to close up that empty space, Xiao. Hopefully, in due time, you'll believe this world is not as cursed as you say."


Xiao was quite relieved to see how happy Tofu was when it was able to play. Once they went up to the balcony—where xiao stays majority of the day—Tofu fell asleep on the wooden railing.

Xiao got a bit worried that Tofu would fall off, so he held them until they woke up.

Tofu. [ Xiao ]Where stories live. Discover now