Entry 1

9 0 0

October 31, 2022
2:43 a.m.

Honestly I'm starting these diary entries cause I be having a lot to say and shit going on that I be wanting to talk about. My phone dry as hell, but just like I have things going on, my friends do too, I understand that more than anyone.

Right now, I'm finding myself right now, and I ain't gone hold y'all this shit ain't easy, it's an everlasting journey. It's like I know who I'm meant to be but a lot of things are easier said than done. I just talked to one of my friends about this, we taking things one step at a time. A lot of the time we think we "behind" or "not moving fast enough" truth is you gotta remember to slow down and really pay attention. When it's your time, it's your time.

For me, right now I'm in a space where it's like I gotta do more. To be clear, I don't go without, nor does my kid, but I can't settle for the bare minimum, I want more for me and mine. That 9 month + 9 months post pregnancy, was cool on the bleachers, but I gotta get up and really shake back.

Now, if you reading this and you came from one of my social media accounts then you may know I have an edibles business called KoutureTreatz. I started my business officially January 2021 and racked up 3.5k followers on my old business page for my treats in 5 months. Then I got pregnant... shit went downhill from there but that's a story for another day, all in all my pregnancy definitely humbled me. My numbers went down on my business page, that first trimester I couldn't stomach the smell of weed at all. I was tired, drained, and trying to figure out how I was going to be a mom. I'm still figuring out motherhood, day by day, I learn something new every day.

Now, I'm trynna shake back. From balancing out being a mom, to still chasing dreams and accomplishing personal goals I have for myself. My business being the first thing I'm prioritizing, it's my foot in, and I want my 15 minutes to last. I been watching my numbers heavy, and while I'm excited, I know it could be better.

If you supporting me, I appreciate it more than you know. I'm not miss having and I'm not even about to portray myself as such lmao. As I said, my pregnancy really humbled me, I don't even pop my shit the same way I used to. One of these days when I do show face, anything you see me with just know I worked for that shit, cause everything I have go to my daughter if I'm being honest. On some real shit, I went from miss get her hair done every other week to miss bonnet every fucking day. No lie I have had a bonnet on since I was 2 months pregnant up to this very moment, on my mama, I'm not lying. I can't live like that no more, I miss being a bad bitch. Send help !

Anyways, I feel some what spaced out right now. I'm just gonna leave it at that right now, before I go off into too many directions, and lose whoever's reading this shit.



K.T. <3

Insta: main @lexkouturee
            Business @KoutureTreatz
TikTok: @lexkouturee

$$$$$ Hustlers last 4ever $$$$$

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