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Right now I'm stood outside of Cocos room and I'm really not looking forward to what she has in store for me I knocked on the door and it took less then a second for Coco to open it and the smile on her face made me even more nervous then I already was as she pulled me inside and shut the door

Coco: hey cutie ready for your makeover

You: no not really

Coco: well too bad but since I'm feeling generous I'll give you a choice Ruby, Weiss, Blake or Yang

You: what do you mean

Coco: four of the outfits I've got planned for you are based on your teammates in a way so one more time or I choose Ruby, Weiss, Blake or Yang

I really had to think about this and who I was gonna be stuck dressed as for the day so since Yang is the only one who doesn't wear a skirt or heels that was really my only option

You: okay I'll go with Yang

Coco: wonderful now get naked while I get your clothes

I did what Coco said as I watched her reach into her closet and when I saw the outfit she wanted me to wear my jaw hit the floor it was a super slutty black and gold dress, there was also a yellow bra that had yellow ribbons over the nipples instead of actual cups and then there were the boots with heels so high there's no way I could walk in them, she didn't say a word she just handed me the clothes and helped me get dressed I was already unsteady in the heels but what was worse is that the dress wasn't just skin tight it was also so short it only just covered my ass 

You: this isn't anything like what Yang wears

Coco: I said based off Yangs a super sexy babe who'd look even hotter as a full bimbo so that's why you look so hot and slutty now but don't worry you'll look even better once I'm finished 

I was pulled by Coco to her vanity table and she stood infront of me so I couldn't see my own reflection until she was finally done doing my make up but before she let me see my reflection she attached long false nails on my fingers they were gold and glittery, then she pulled a pair of earrings out of her pocket they were large gold hoops with bells on them and once she put them on me she let me see my reflection I looked like a total bimbo with purple eyeshadow, and yellow lipstick with the earring and nails completing the look

You: I-I can't go to classes looking like this Im not wearing any underwear and I can't even walk in these boots

Coco: well you can always crawl on all fours like when Blake took you on your little walk and you don't need any panties they'd just get in the way of all the fun speaking of which

Coco caught me off guard as she bent me over her vanity table and before I could even protest she took out her huge cock and shoved it up my ass with one hard thrust then before I managed to catch my breath Coco began to rapidly pound my asshole with each thrust stretching and reshaping my insides while all I could do was moan and after three minutes she came inside me flooding my ass with her hot cum

Coco: oh it's like you were made to get fucked

You: can I use your bathroom to get rid of all you cum

Coco: hmm no I think it's way hotter if you're leaking all the way too and through class now run along or I might not let you leave

I stumbled into the hallway as I could barley walk in these boots as I struggled to walk down the hallway to class I ended up falling down right in front of two girls I looked up to see that it was the twins from Oscars team

Melanie: oh look Miltia teams RWBYs pet boy

Miltia: well don't they look pretty we should definitely do the same to little Oscar sometime

Melanie: totally but that can wait since we've already got a sexy slut at our feet so why are you on the floor

You: I can't walk in these boots

Miltia: aw baby bimbo can't walk in their big girl boots let's help them out Melanie

Melanie: oh well help you learn to walk in those if you be a good bitch and kiss our feet first 

Miltia: or we could just leave you here but just to let you know professor Goodwitch really hates tardiness

Melanie: she'll probably make an example out of you infront of the whole class

Miltia: so what will it be submission to just the two of us

Melanie: or some major punishment infront of everyone

They were probably lying about a public punishment by professor Goodwitch but if they aren't that'd definitely be the worse fate so I swallowed my pride and kissed the twins feet after that they got me off the floor and led me down the hallway slapping my ass whenever I stumbled, they also insisted that swaying my hips was important and helped with balance and since I can't tell if they're fucking with me or being serious I just did exactly as they said this whole experience made me feel for Oscar since he has to share a room with these two so probably has to deal with this constantly, once we got to class there was a few wolf whistles from some of the girls and futas in class including Yang and Blake who I ended up sitting in between

Yang: gotta say hot stuff you are looking really sexy

Blake: Yang be nice

Yang: I am I just want to go to town on f/ns sexy ass in that outfit

Ruby: Yang can you stop you're making f/n go all red

You: thanks Ruby

Blake: well she isn't exactly lying you do look good

Weiss: but you walk like you're drunk

You: yeah I really can't walk well in these

Weiss: well I'll just have to teach you how to walk like a proper lady later on I don't know what those twins tried to teach you but I'll do it the proper way

You: I don't know if I should be thankful or worried

R/B/Y: worried

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