Colossal Forest

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After making plans to meet up with Eda, Soka and Cullin, IKI and friends head off to meet them at the playground.

"So we're heading to the Forest playground right? Then from this tree stump, we head to the south." Hiso, also known to be the team maps, tell the direction to go to the Forest Playground.

Along their path, dandelions accompany them. Most of people in Iki gang will pick and blow the seed of the dandelions, except Hiso. He will pick some dandelions and make sure wind doesnt blow it up. For what?

For Soka.
Soka was Hiso brother or more accurately ' twin brother. ' For him, his brother are his everything. Who know what happen to him if his brother were gone.

"Yay! We finally here! Look there its the gang! Guyss! " The girl with silver-ish hair run towards the picnic mat. " It took ages, and the weather is nice for a race. " Toru said. Their tone of voice seems like it was challenging Hiso. " Bet. " Hiso said. " 10clam if you win " Toru state the bet amount while holding a bunch of clam. " Deal. " Hiso replied. Taking a good position. And then both of them of for a race.

Toru and Hiso was a good friend. You can tell, by the way they acted around each other. By insulting Each other. Only best friends do that. The age gap between them were one year. With Hiso being 14 and Toru being 13.

Iki was the last person who arrived at the picnic mat. But she doesnt care about that. Then she look around and saw Hiso rubbing salt at Toru wounds ( emotionally ) or you can say rub the money he won at Toru face. It seems like Hiso won the race judging by Toru defeated look.

" Look who's here. My cute little sister finally decide to show up. Come. Sit with me" Eda said cheerfully. Beside her, soka was lying down at the mat playing with dandelions that Hiso pick earlier.

"I brought some slice of Pumpkin Pie i make yesterday. Please have a slice!" A girl with short hair or kniwn as Cullin said, offering her ftriend the pie that she bake.

While her friend enjoying the pie, Cullin take a couple of photo without anybody knowing it. She then put the picture in her photo album.

Everything was peacefull until...
A game of tag begin.

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