Innocent touch

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His hand slowly grazes my outer thigh, traveling up to my hip and down to my knee. Gently and lightly smoothing my skin as goosebumps arise.
His cool grip tightens around my thigh and relaxes to form a circular motion. He keeps it still and leans over to whisper "just so you know, you're mine".
Another wave of goosebumps wash over me and his hand repeats his previous travels.
He continues the whisper with "I hope you're okay with that," and a devil some grin spreads over his pale, smooth face.
I feel blood rush to my cheeks and they burn.
He lifts his hands and brushes my cheekbone, stopping to leave his palm on my jawline.
"I love watching you blush," he murmurs, "you know what it does to me".
He removes his hand and he grasps mine, guiding it towards his torso.
He tenses when my icy fingers connect with his.
"You're freezing, why didn't you tell me?" he scolded, "I could've warmed you up".
The frown he possessed faded to a brazen smirk and he pulled me up from my chair and edged closer to me.
"I can make you feel things that nobody else can," he murmured, "things you've never felt before. I can warm you from the inside out and make your heart beat so fast it'll feel like it will never stop".
Our bodies are now pressed against each other, our hands interlocked and our gaze burning.
"You smell amazing," he inhaled my scent, lowering his lips to my neck.
His pink lips brushed below my ear and a gush of warm air collided with my skin. He pressed his lips to my neck and released, continuing along my jaw whilst mumbling "I, don't, know, how, I've, lasted, so, long" between each caress. My heart skips a beat and my breathing quickens.

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