Roadtrip - [multiple]

16 5 1

PROMPT: You're on a road trip in a 5-seater car except in each seat is yourself.


The car was silent. Well almost, there was the constant sound of someone's shoe tapping the ground. Someone finally broke the silence.

"Hey hot stuff, come here often?" A girl with short wavy purple hair spoke, adjusting the blue heart shaped sunglasses on her head. The one who she was talking to sat in the middle of the backseat, crammed next to the one who had just spoken and another girl who had long white hair. The girl in the middle blushed but not without speaking back.

"Woah there dude, chill out. Let's not do... any of that." The first girl just smirked and placed their hand of the second's shoulder.

"Bowtie, lay off it." One of the girls in the front spoke up, glaring at Bowtie through the front mirror. Bowtie let out a dramatic sigh, but she did take her hands of the vibrant individual in the middle and lent back in her seat. The car fell back in silence. 

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