Morning Surprise - [Ten]

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To say that she was surprised would be an understatement. Ten had spent this morning like any other. She had left her bed at the exact time of 5:30 in the morning after a usual sleepless night, dressed in her usual attire and silently walked down to the kitchen. She made herself a coffee and then made her way to her personal office.

Sometimes she just stared out the window, watching the world slowly begin to wake up. Today, however, she decided to work through some paperwork. What she hadn't expected today was there only to be a single cream envelope in place of the usual stack of papers. She stared at it, expression unmoving and took a long sip from her cup before sitting properly behind her desk.

As she pried through the seal at the back of the envelope, an assortment of coins fell out and clashed noisily against the wooden surface of her desk. She ignored them for a moment and unfolded the letter. The letter was...strange.

Not the fact that it was seemingly written by a child, nor that the child was asking for someone to be assassinated, no.

The strange thing was that she was the target. 

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