CHAPTER 1-Where it all began

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*DISCLAIMER! This plot uses oc's such as Mike, Hunter, Jan and Hibiki, including all side characters that do not follow the original mha plot nor are included in the manga/anime series, all belong to Weebo!
Other characters part of the Mha Au are strictly owned by the creator of 'My Hero Academia', nor do I claim them to be my own.
This plot strictly follows my perspective! Considering I am often used for my creations. However, that only goes for this story- 'Chains and Hearts', along with others; 'The Night I Met You', and 'Glitch Freak',
all of which are Weebo originals, all belonging to myself!
*Disclaimer pt 2. You might know me as a few names depending on when you were introduced to me, but as of 2024, please only refer to me as Emilie Constell (or Emi for short!) or Weebo!!! I'd also like to mention! All my creations are written from my very British brain, so some words or phrases may seem unfamiliar to those outside of the UK or Europe, so please keep this in mind when reading! If you have any questions about these, please do NOT feel afraid to question in the comments!
Thank you and enjoy! 20|05

Ps. Please don't be fucking weird. I've seen what some oddballs say in the comments, don't be that person.

Kirishima and I have known each other literally forever. The both of us went to elementary skl together (from grade k-5)and only one year of middle skl before I moved away. Unfortunately, during my first year, my parents and I moved to Europe while Kiri stayed behind.

"Do u have to go?" Kirishima wiped his red stained eyes, hiding his usual happy persona. "I'm really sorry Eji...but my mommy and daddy said I have to," I replied whimpering, trying to hold back tears the best I could. "I'm really sorry, but I'll call you everyday I promise!" I gave in, and tears spilled from my eyes, causing Kirishima to mimic my behaviour. He ran up to me and embraced me in a big hug. "I'll miss you" he whispered softly.
I tightened my grip around him. "I'll miss you too. No matter what happens, still become a hero! We made a promise!" I pulled back and our teary eyes met. "Promise, you'll never give up on your dreams. Not ever!" Kirishima stayed silent before hesitantly agreeing. "I promise."
That was the last time I saw him in person.


After 3 years of living life in Europe, my dream to become a hero still lingered. It was roughly 8:30am when I finally built up the courage to ask my parents something that I've been dreading to ask for a long time. I made my way down stairs, only to be greeted by my father and one of my older brothers. I greeted them good morning when I heard the doorbell ring.
My time to shine.


'Right on time.' I thought to myself. I walked to the door, opening it to have it reveal my mother. My mother works long shifts as a surgeon. Sometimes, she's on call all night so she'll either sleep whenever she can at the hospital, or rents the night, at a nearby hotel. However, she comes to collect me every Saturday morning for my weekly tuition before spending the weekend at home, getting every chance she can to relax. Today is no different, but I have a plan. Now that my family are all in one place after a long, dreadful week, I finally have the chance to ask my most desired wish while there are witnesses. "Mama," I called out to her with a big smile.
"Hey darling, you ready to go?" She replied with her usual soft expression. "Yeah, I'm ready...but I've been meaning to ask you all something extremely important."
"All of us?" My father asked, now intrigued.

"Yes, well you see, I've been thinking-" but before I could finish my sentence (one that I'd spent endless hours memorising and perfecting,) my dragon, Aito, came flying in, disturbing all of us while landing on my shoulders. I giggle and tap his nose to which he sneezes. He rubs his face on my cheek. "Seems like someone's in a good mood this morning" my mother chuckles.
Aito tends to have a lot of energy in the mornings, energy I could never have. Now with the attention of my family, I continue. Unfortunately, my eldest brother Hunter couldn't make it, but I don't blame him, he's a pro hero after all-at least one of us got to chase our dreams early on.
"Well, you all know I've always wanted to be a hero..." I pause, giving time for anything else to interrupt me. Thankfully nothing does, so I continue.
"I've never asked for anything, ever actually. But something I desperately want." I take a deep breath, already able to see the slow roll of my fathers throat and the clench of my mothers fist as she could sense what I was about to say.
"Let me go to UA and train to be a hero with Kirishima." The room fell silent. "I know it'll be difficult, and I'll even move to Japan on my own if it makes it easier! I could rent an apartment so u guys can stay here! Just so there's not a bunch of hassle, u know for school or ur jobs...but I really want to go! I can even stay with the Kirishima's if they allow me!"

It was still silent and I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable but thankfully, my father spoke up.
"Well...if it's something you truly want to do then I don't see a problem," he nervously said, awaiting my mothers reaction. "You'll be paid quite well as a hero so you'll be safe financially-"
"Not if she's dead" my mother interrupts with a stern voice. It went silent again, I hated this. "If they're became a hero..." she began, "the likely hood of them being killed by a villain is almost certain."
My father spoke up, "Hunter is a hero, so why can't y/n take the path of a hero as well."

By this point there was a lot of tension and my parents were beginning to eye each other. My mother glared at him.
"He's 21, if I had the choice of stopping him from becoming a hero, I would have. Besides I didn't know enough of what hero's did until a few years ago. On top of that, when Hunter was bedridden because he'd been seriously wounded by a villain a year and a half ago, I pleaded for him to choose a different career." She took in a quick breath, choking back tears.
"But I was too late. He was already an adult by then and could make his own choices. Nothing I did nor could've done would have made him change his mind. But y/n is only 16, meaning I still have a voice in their decisions and future!"
My dad let out a defeated sigh, knowing how painful this was for me to hear, like I wasn't even in the room.
My mother directed her attention to me, "We'll discuss this more later, for now, y/n, c'mon, we have to go."
My heart sank. I knew my she'd think this. Maybe if I were to talk to her alone then I could get her to change her mind. But by the way she worded that last part... 'we'll discuss this more later' made it clear to me there was going to be some sort of argument, or at least a very aggressive discussion between the two. So, off I went. Me and my mum headed to the car and went to my tuition. After that, we usually went to a cafe which I saw as an opportunity. An opportunity to convince her.

(19|05|24- Hey loves, been a while. If you've noticed, I've changed the title of this story. It's now called Chains and Hearts. I realised that after roughly a year, this story needed a lot of improving and a shift in the narrating. Grammar and spelling has improved(I hope). The lore has also changed for y/n along with quirks, I've only removed some quirks, but their ghost and dragon still exist. This story is also written for any audience with any gender, hence they/them pronouns are going to be used since they're also plural, in order to be more inclusive. This goes for any of my future y/n narrations.
I decided I wanted to continue this story to see where it will lead y/n instead of completely shredding it, giving this story one last chance. I'm confident I've improved, If you've already read the story so far then no worries, you don't really have to go back, however, while the storyline is roughly the same the lore has changed drastically, so I would recommend re-reading it, or you can just listen to the audio on my podcast whenever that episode is released. I'll also post it on YouTube eventually. Anyway, enough with my babbling. Please continue to enjoy story if you are already ♡︎♥︎)

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