CHAPTER 3-Convince

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*(This Chapter was obviously edited more than the previous ones so its only natural if some people who have read this previously get a bit lost. I'd suggest that this is the only chapter anyone really needs to re-read.)

My mother and I were sitting at the dining table eating dinner. Despite casually minding my own business, I had the constant urge to ask my mother about the 'situation'. It had been 7 hours since she picked me up from my father's, now making it 18:23(6:23pm). After a lot of time spent contemplating on what to do, I finally built up the courage to start the conversation.
My mother raised her eyes to mine with curiosity. I took a quiet breath. "So...about UA" she cut me off with a loud sigh. I stopped, knowing she had something to say.

"Yn, I told you, I'll discuss this with your father later." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"It shouldn't be something you discuss with him, this is my future. My decision."
I could see the shock and anger in her eyes but i didn't care. I wanted to go to UA desperately and I'd do anything to make that possible, even if it meant pissing off my own mother.

"I want to go to UA more than anything, you know that" I stay call and steady-glaring at her.
Perhaps, it was a bit rude of me to glare at my mother in such a way, but I was boiling with anger and desperation inside.
"I can become an amazing hero alongside Ejiro. I have great quirks thanks to you and dad and for that I am grateful, but quirks such as mine shouldn't be wasted. I want to put them to good use! I know you don't want me to get hurt and I respect ur wishes. I'll be as careful and clever as I can in order to keep myself safe for both you and Dad. But just know, even if you don't allow me to go to UA Highschool, I'll become a hero one way or another. I love you, but for once I won't listen to you and give up in this." I released a deep breath. I couldn't breathe, that was exhausting. Despite being out of breath from that incredibly long speech, I keep myself composed.

Silence was all that could be heard. I may have gone a little overboard with that but I didn't regret it at all. I was proud of urself for saying what I had been wanting to for a long time.
I stared at my mother's face. A mix of shock and awe.

A few moments pass and my mother eventually scoffed with a slight smile, her widened eyes still lurking on her face. "I-I have no words" she started. "Just give me a moment to process all of that."
"I'm sorry that you don't like this, but I want you to understand how important this is to me."I looked at her with some sadness in my eyes. She sighed once more. "I understand how u feel YN and I want you to follow your dreams but-" "Then why won't you let me go!" Tears stained the corner of my eyes.  I understood why my mother was so worried about this. I understood well. I was there when Toshi was hurt. He was protecting me. I wanted to repay him and protect others like how he did to me, though I was running out of time to make my dream a reality. "I'm sorry that such a risky career had to be my dream...but I need you to understand this, to understand me. Please let me go."

She stared at me, her shoulders relaxed but her expression contradicted that calmness. "YN Eru LN. I'll make one thing clear, do not raise your voice at me. In addition, If you want to go to UA, you have to prove to both me and yourself that you can do this. If you can raise your grades by the end of this term, I may consider it." I knew whenever she used my full name that she was serious, and in that context, whatever she said is something she wouldn't change her mind about. "Although" she began. "I can't promise I'll allow it. I'm still extremely against it. I don't want you to end up like your brother." I leaned back again, staring at the hands that were once fiddling with each other. "It's my life." My lip was quivering and my breath was shaky. "I am not Toshi. But you know what? I would gladly be like him. He saved people." My eyes stare at hers.

"Would you really have preferred 25 people, including children, died instead of him being injured and surviving. Trust me, I would have loved for him not to have been hospitalised. He's the one person in this entire fucking family I am closest to apart from Sho. You do not know how much I also suffereds. Believe me, I undertand your point more than anyone. I would have swapped places wiht him in a heart beat. That's why I want to be a hero. I want to be the replacement to hundreds of people who might die instead. I want to save them. I will save them." My breathe was hot, my eyes red from the tears. My heart pounded vigorously-matching the rate at which anger and despair was pouring out if me. I was worried if I continued to glare at myt mother the way I had been, it'd cut her like knives. My gaze felt like it was shjarp enough to do so. My face was intimadating and threatening. My mother said nothing, which said a lot. I was scaring her. I stood up, took my plate to the kitchen and left to my room-where I slammed the door which only added to my headache. I let out every single emotion a human being could feel that nigth. My mother didn't come upstairs to text me. Hell, I couldn't even hear any movement in the house. I started to think she hadn't even moved from her position at the dining table all night. I was worried for a second I scared her enough that she dropped dead. I texted my brother Shoemi to ask if he had arrived home yet from University. 5 minutes later, he responded that he just got home. He asked if something had happened to our mtoher because she was washing the dishes in complete silence-didn't even acknowledge him when he said 'Hi' after she ignored his entrance. I left him on reads for a while, contemplating what to respond with. All I said was "I scared the living shit out of her."

Nothing more was said between either my brother or mother after that. All he replied with was "okay."
He knew exactly what had happened. He knew exactly why she was scared and how she did it. Though I refused to believe it myself.
Does he really still have control. Of course, many would wonder who he was, but that was something I hadn't talked about for over 10 years. Nor had I planned to.
I curled up in my bed, using 'Electric Bruise' to lock my bedroom door. I didn't know what to feel anymore, so I gave up on crying. I just simply...existed.

*(End of Chapter 3. I hope your enjoying the story so far. This Chapter was obviously edited more than the previous ones so its only natural if some people who have read this previously get a bit lost. I'd suggest that this is the only chapter anyone really needs to re-read. Please continue to enjoy this if you are, and if you aren't then I hope you find the next few chapters more appealing. If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments-please give me criticism if there is any. However there is a fine line between being rude and criticising in order to help me get better. Please be respectful in the chat. Thank you <3)

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