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"Where is he?" Langa thought worriedly, he had been looking for his best friend Reki all over the market but had not found him yet.

Reki had been missing for 2 good hours now. Usually it is fine, but it is 12pm!! Reki even missed dinner! Reki would never miss dinner. Right?

Langa shook his head "Stop thinking about what Reki is like and start trying to find him!" Langa told himself.

Then as Langa was walking through one of the many market alleyways, he saw Reki's skateboard. Langa picked it up and investigated the smaller alleyway. In that alleyways he saw Reki. But instead of rushing over to Reki, Langa just stood there.

"That can't be Reki. That just can't be!" Langa told himself.

Yet the figure in the alleyways was Reki and he was covered in blood. As Langa walked forward, he saw that Reki wasn't just covered in blood, he was basically swimming it. Langa dropped Reki's skateboard and ran straight towards him. Langa knelt and felt Reki's pulse. Weak. That's not good. Langa pulled out his phone and called from an ambulance. The lady on the phone told Langa to try and get Reki awake. Langa tried everything!! Splashing water on his face, slapping him, hitting him palms (don't even ask, I saw this in a book somewhere), pulling his cheeks. EVERYTHING!! Except one thing...Langa knelt closer towards his best friend, Reki was beathing that good. Then just as Langa was going to try out his idea, he heard the ambulance and quickly busied himself with checking Reki's pulse. It was getting weaker. Langa then stepped out of the alleyway and waved the paramedics over. Once they saw Reki, they quickly got to work. 

Reki in hospital - Sk8 the infinityWhere stories live. Discover now