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20 minutes later...

Langa sat there, right next to Reki, in shock. Reki had just told him how and why he got beat up and Langa felt terrible. Reki got hurt, had bad thoughts, GOT IN HOSPITAL because of him!

"Reki I-"

"No," Reki cut Langa off, "I don't want you to say sorry. This wasn't your fault-"

"Yes, it is! It is all my fault. It is all my fau-" Langa was cut off once more. Not by words though. Reki wrapped an arm around Langa's neck and pulled him for a long kiss. After they pulled away, Reki pressed his forehead against Langa's whilst cupping his check in his hand.

"Langa," Reki whispered, "don't blame this on yourself. I am the reason for this, not you. I got jealous because you were so famous while I was just 'The kid who's not Langa. Absolutely none of this is your fault so, please, don't blame yourself."

Langa looked at Reki. He still felt guilty. If he hadn't broken their promise, Reki wouldn't be in hospital. Reki could tell that Langa still felt guilty so he hopped out of bed, much to Langa's surprise, and pulled him into a hug. After a while, they pulled away and looked at each other. Taking in each other's features. Langa then took Reki's face in his hands, pecked him on the lips, pulled him into a hug and whispered,

"I love you, Reki."

Then without even a moments hesitation Reki whispered back,

"I love you too, Langa. 

Reki in hospital - Sk8 the infinityWhere stories live. Discover now