Episode 1 - A New Generation

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2 Decades later.....

3rd POV

In a bright sunny day of Japan, people are walking here and there, Cars driving, birds chirping, the usual everyday events. Meanwhile at a bus stop, a boy with white hair sat on the bus stop's seat as he waited for the bus to arrive. During the time, he took out a pair of headphones as he place it on his head, when it was connected to his phone, he scroll down from the variety of songs in his playlist as he landed on one he listens to the most. He press the file as it was loading and starts playing.

 He close his eyes as he bops his head, tapping his foot while vibing to the song. The bus eventually arrived as the door opens, he got up and grabbed his bags and enters the bus. He greets while placing his pass and went and sat down next to the window while looking out of the window as the bus continues its journey as the bus driver announced

Driver: Next up, Yamikawa Prefecture.

The boy just look out of the window while listening to music and just smiled during the whole journey.



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Naoki Pov

I'm Naoki Yudai, I'm 15 years old this year and this is the year where I enter high school. If you're wondering where I'm heading to? I'm going to Japan's second largest city, Yamikawa Prefecture. Approximately, 20 years ago, this city was in development for a very long time, but then a two decades later it made a huge breakthrough and was given the title of "The City of Technology". Ever since then, the economy had skyrocketed which allowed even more tech to be made by high profile companies and even growing ones. 

But that's actually not the reason why I'm heading there. I actually grew up in Tokyo but my family decided that it's best to send me to Yamikawa's top notch school, Kurashima Academy. The school is known because many successful inventors had studied there. And so that's where I'm heading to start my high school life, away from home.


3rd POV

A few hours had passed as the bus had finally arrived at  the Bus Station in Yamikawa. The boy however is dead asleep while the rest of the passengers had stepped out except for one man. He slowly walk up to him and tapped on his shoulder.

Passenger: Excuse me? Kid?

Naoki: *woke up* Wha- What? *rubs eye*

Passenger: Isn't this your stop? We're here.

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