Dukes Haven

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Background information on the delta AU

1. Just like the old cards, delta species exist in this au, where these delta species don't change the typing of the Pokémon. Rather, just their learned move set.

Example: delta Garchomp:

Type: ground/dragon

Delta identification: ICE

Won't learn ground or dragon moves but will rather learn an ice type move set. The Pokémon's weakness remains the same as their original typing. So, a Delta identification Garchomp will be 4x weak to its own ice type moves. Delta species are extremely rare, same odds as shinnies, however times the amount of typing. Someone may have found an ice identification garchomp, but the next delta they find wont always be the same as the last for type-wise, might be a different type. (Each Pokémon species can delta all types, delta come as singular typing so will never be dual typing.)

Delta species differ due to a genetic disorder. Making them physically weaker defensively compared to their normal variants. However, this decrease is in addition to an increase in attack and special attack stats. All like glass cannons.

Pokémon can die in this au, it rarely occurs, yet with poor return timing. Pokémon can die if hit with another move after already fainting. These are deemed freak accidents and the trainers are never held at fault unless it was intentional.

Arranged marriages in sinnoh are common for traditional celestic families, volo agreed to be wed off in place of his sister as she has a lot on her plate.

Character info related to AU:

All characters are of present time. No time travel involved. Location nimbasa city.

Cynthia: Is the champion of Sinnoh and is volo's older sister. They are on good terms and visit quite often as she still lives in Sinnoh doing champion duties.

Volo: Moved to Unova, Nimbasa city roughly two years ago to start/open a Pokémon sanctuary. He is also an expert in delta species, researching them at the sanctuary, and has been using them his whole life (he only uses delta species). He doesn't battle currently, but one can tell his Pokémon were well trained at one point in time.

Currently his only team member is 'Kikwi "the togekiss. Delta identification: psychic.

Akari: runner up to champion in Sinnoh and is Volos and Cynthia childhood friend. She moved back to Unova after volo moved unannounced. Her family originates from Castelia City in Unova.

Ace: Alura the Samurott (regular). (her starter)

Rei: friend of volo, meet in kalos university, lives currently in unova for same reason as akari.

Ace: Niles the Absol (mega evolves.) (Given as his starter from his family)


Chapter one:

                     Dukes Haven

Volos POV:

The weather was nice, cloudy with a side of the sun's rays, nearing roughly 80 degrees already. The weatherman's forecast deemed it would reach upwards of 90 degrees for Nimbasa city, a temperature volo was still not used too. Everything about Unova was different, the smog ridden night sky lacking any stars, the native Pokémon littering the streets, the overall atmosphere of a bustling city. It was all almost too much for him as he sped pass the loud amusement park located east of the local grocery store.

This had occurred while he was out of town, preforming a seminar at a university on delta variants, so he wasn't able to attend. They went over the basics of what he and I apparently wanted in a relationship. The criteria that I had gave to my parents was lengthy, yet he met all the checks receiving my families blessing in the end. He works in this city full time with a stunning yearly salary; however, I care little to research what a transit boss really means. In the end, it really didn't matter if he was rich or liked by my parents, as this man would be sleeping on the couch.

Marriage, relationships as a whole, all were a little too exhausting for him. He has been to hell and back ever sense the incident two years ago. The day his beloved teammate Duke perished. It had been his own fault. As he didn't see the warning signs of exhaustion and with the final icy move ordered sealed his fate, now buried back home with the rest of the families beloved Pokémon for the rest of eternity.

'Battling used to be my passion, yet now I can't stand to see it happening around me' he thought. Afterall, all he had left is Kikwi my togekiss. The rest of my team were forfeited to his sister. He couldn't give them what they truly needed as they were raised from eggs to be battling Pokémon. Kikwi was stubborn and wouldn't let him leave without her. So here his retired battle Pokémon is now a certified service Pokémon, official ribbon, and everything. 'I don't need it', he thought. Yet his counselor deemed it necessary. The only benefit to her now being licensed is she can be outside of her pokeball at all times regardless of locational regulations.

Upon entering the sanctuaries main gates, he was greeted by a dozen or so tiny Pokémon, all eager for their breakfast. Turning to Kikwi he waved a signed command, and she was off to gather the rest of the Pokémon. It was breakfast time, and all the Pokémon were hungry. Some having originating from abusive trainers used to lack set meals. So, it was important to keep on schedule regardless of how he has been feeling throughout the day. These Pokémon relied on him, and him alone. A task he knew he could handle and one that Duke, his lost garchomp, would have been proud of. Duke was always the Pokémon in charge, being the second Pokémon, he had ever brought home to his parents. A delta variant of the ice typing. A rare anomaly that grew into an obsession of his. A dragon who could easily counter other dragons with an onslaught of icy attacks. Little did he know that delta species weren't immune to their original weaknesses. Every time a move was used by duke a consequence occurred. Each time a move was used it would result in lowering his overall body temperature. He was always so careful about it yet being so focused on the final victory truly had blinded him of what was truly important. Before he could get lost furthermore in thought, kikwi nudged him in the side alerting him that she had brought the rest of the Pokémon, were there for their breakfast.

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