Chapter two: This is a serious topic, Emmet.

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Notes: Here is chapter two! I'll try to upload a chapter a week! Maybe more if I have the time. :) enjoy! I'm also posting it first on Archive of our own first, author  SilverKamori!

Emmet and ingos POV:

"Wait, Emmet... do you really want to go through with that arranged marriage? You know mother doesn't want you to marry yourself off just for a chance to establish an extension of the battle subway on Sinnoh soil. You should think of your own happiness first." Ingo stated as he peered around the corner with a tray of cookies and milk, Elesa and Skyla in tow. All three were concerned he was rushing into something he would likely regret.

"I agree Em, you don't even know this guy. And a marriage.... I'm sorry but you have never been interested in the dating scene."  Elesa mumbled as she set her tray of snacks down on the coffee table. "Even when Skyla and I got together you dodged the topic for weeks! Now that I'm thinking about it, more like for like the whole first month!"

Skyla jumped in from within the kitchen, "AND THAT WASN'T EVEN YOU IN THE RELATIONSHIP!" Emerging from the kitchen she gave him a serious look, " Like you seriously still look away when we kiss."

Emmet glanced back at them, their words of worry flowing in one ear and out through the other. He paid them no mind; this was a wonderful opportunity to spread the subway to other regions. Plus, this man named Volo seemed verrry interesting based on his research. "All is on track to work out, I've already had a consultation with his family. He is good with Pokémon and is a well-known battle enthusiast! He also wants to take things slow, so there is no need to worry on this being a rushed thing."

"Jumping into an arranged marriage to open a branch of the battle subway is the definition of rushing things Emmet!" Elesa barked back at Emmet. "What are you going to do when he wants to do more relationship-oriented things"

Without even thinking Emmet responded in quick succession telling the group that there was no issue! As Volos parents clearly stated Volo identified as pansexual, just like him! "It will honestly be more like a transactional deal." Emmet stated trying to calm their nerves, " We get a new subway, and Volos family gets the comfort to know someone will be watching over their son. Apparently, he has been having a rough patch recently. He just up and moved to Unova without any warning at all to his family! He runs and currently lives at the sanctuary here in town, the one that popped up about two years ago. The league funded one on delta variants to be specific." Upon learning the news of this mystery man's job and current location, Ingo and the girls decided a little detour was needed for Emmet rather than their weekly movie night/snacks.

The sanctuary was built in the place of all three old stadiums and spread out farther than the old city boarders. All through the aid and support of both the Sinnoh and Unova's leagues. Apparently, the facility had enough space to safely house over 40 land and 60 water species with their naturally required territory. A true masterpiece really, yet normally it was closed off to the public. They agreed it was likely to ensure the safety of all the Pokémon within. Some extremely rare deltas, but majority were rescued Pokémon from previously abusive situations.

The sanctuary was enclosed with a large white and black marble fence. The center having another secondary wall with a dome attached overhead, a cozy two story home being stationed within the second barrier to the right. The gate of the fence stated, 'The Sanctuary of Duke: DukesHaven' accompanied by abstract metal statue of two different Garchomp. Both connected by a beautiful flurry of pearly snowflakes. There was likely an alpha Garchomp inside! Emmet thought, one of the delta variant: ice. Why else would there be such a specific stature guarding the entrance gate. A soft push was all it took for the group to realize that the gate was actually unlocked, how lucky! The four migrated inside the sanctuary second set of doors and entered the center of the dome. Inside consisted of multiple woven biomes connecting all possible locations Pokémon could live. A mighty man-made river breaking the dome in half contained most of the aquatic species, the rest located at the top where a lake rested at the highest elevated area.

Emmet released his Eelektross, Fish, to meet the other curious Pokémon wandering towards them. "This place is incredible! They even have a replication of charge stone cave over there! Do you see it?!" A quick arm gesture had the whole group looking as the leader began to march. "THIS WAY!"

Ingo looked intrigued at Emmets sudden excitement, " Bravo! Wonderfully sighted! I wonder if they have any delta Tynamo or Joltik here? Do you think they would adopt Pokémon out from this place with the proper background checks? Think of using a delta Pokémon in the subway! It would throw the passengers off so much being a different type." Just as Ingo took a step to go investigate with Emmet, a loud chirp was heard behind them causing the group to turn around. Standing behind them proudly waited the most pampered Togekiss they have ever seen. One with a service Pokémon collar on, being a pretty pink hue. A name tag with the engraving of Kikwi on it. The Pokémon cooed at them softly before taking a step forward in a way of saying both 'Hello!' and 'This way!"

Kikwi was accompanying her master as he fed the northern sector when she sensed that four humans had entered her territory! She knew her master never let outsiders inside the perimeter out of fear of thieves. So, she determined he must have forgotten to lock the gates after entering with the sanctuaries weekly hoard of groceries. All it took was a short series of chirps and painless nips before Volo waved her off, allowing her to go investigate, as he finished their morning chores.

A short flight was all it took to determine that there was in fact four other humans within the walls. Two males that looked eerily identical to each other, except the color of their coat and opposing facial expressions. A strong looking Eelektross stood between the two brothers matching their level of energy, very excited. Two females also accompanied them to the right, hand in hand. They seemed to be talking near the gate as she landed atop their house, perched on her specially designed perch. She was watching carefully in order to see if they were of any threat to the safety of the Pokémon she watched over. The twins were pointing and getting all bubbly over the prospect of the electric cave. The girls seemed to be looking around more nervously, likely either looking for someone to aid them in directions or questioning if the place was even open.

-They were not threats- not in the slightest, Kikwi thought as she tilted her head. Friendly or not, she knew they couldn't just wonder the sanctuary without her master knowing. She decided to dive down and make herself known to the lost party. She happily chirped from behind them in order to get their attention. Once that was achieved, she cooed as she stepped closer, she wanted to lead them to her master before they went and got themselves lost.

Emmet bent down to read her nametag before giving up to his restraints to initiate a playful pet and greeting. " Hello there Kikwi! I am Emmet! This is my brother Ingo, Fish my partner, and our two friends Elesa and Skyla. We are verrrry lost and looking for the master of this facility, Volo Celest." At the mention of 'Volo' Kikwi chirped in acknowledgement and began walking.

Ingo jumped in as Emmet returned to a standing position, "Seems she understood you, why don't we let her lead the way."

It was a brutal walk, like in the past, back when no paths were built. The sanctuary was beautiful yes, but it was seriously just a long stretch of nature without the generosity of even a singular path. The girls high heels stabbed into the soft soil, even Fish seemed to be tired from the voyage in comparison to the wild Pokémon watching them. This togekiss even had them walk up a winding ledge up to the top of a waterfall. "Are you sure we are heading the right way Ingo...." Emmet stated exhausted. "We are  seriously walking up a cliff side, who even designed this? An elevator would have been much more practical"

"Quit whining Em, at least you aren't in heels. Plus, this is a nature reserve dummy! why in Arceus would there be an elevator."  Elesa bickered back, the trip obviously weighing her down much more then she liked to admit. "Damn, I really should of wore tennis shoes." She removed her heels as they reared the top of the cliff.

Upon reaching the top they got sight of the massive man-made lake. The lake was littered with different species. Some rarer species such as a group of young Goomy with their mother Goodra were spotted swarming around a single area. Curiosity got the better of the group as they neared the sight, spotting a blond man in the center handing out breakfast to the hungry baby Pokémon. He stood tall, with half of his hair tied back in a loose bun. He wore shorts in addition to a Togekiss print t shirt. After hearing Kikwis chirps he glanced over calmly wondering where she had been. Only to drop his feed basket in shock after seeing that she wasn't alone. The lost food being gobbled up quickly by the hungry baby dragon type Pokémon.

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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