What's The Relationship Look Like?

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This will be what I feel like the relationship would be like when you date or marry them.


-Does lots of chores around the house
-Loves going out to eat
-Long cuddle sessions
-Makes you little treats
-Buys little collectables for you
-Long, passionate kisses
-Not very flirty, just very cute and cuddly
-Very good husbando
-Wants kids REALLY bad, excellent father

"I can't believe I'm going to be a father."

"I'm so excited, Kyojuro!"

"I'm going to make mother proud and be the best dad I can."


-Quiet most of the time
-Likes holding hands
-Subtle acts of romance like dancing with you when you're alone
-Little forehead kisses
-Cuddles while reading
-Long naps
-Stares at you when you're doing or talking about something you love
-Not too keen on having kids but he'd be a good dad

"Kids? I mean... Aren't they a lot of work?"

"You'd make a great dad, Giyu."

"If you say so..."


-Rowdy af
-Likes sparring with you if you're also in the DSC
-Hugs. LOTS of hugs
-Flustered easily when you compliment or kiss him
-Likes taking walks
-Loves showing off in front of you
-If he had kids with you he'd definitely teach them how to use swords
-Boasts about you all the time
-He loves watching you work (on anything, crafts, making food, chores)
-Likes being the big spoon

"Inosuke, can I be the big spoon tonight?"

"No way! That title belongs to Lord Inosuke!"

"Haha... Okay you win, meathead."


-Hates being away from you
-Likes hugs from behind
-Rainy day cuddles
-Loves taking you out hunting (if you're a demon too)
-Loves when you give him gifts
-Tells you your smile is beautiful
-Loves to tease you
-Kids sort of annoy him but he'd be ok with his own
-Possessive. VERY possessive.

"I saw that guy looking at you... I'll rip his throat out."

"C'mon, Akaza, he was just looking."

"How many times must I say it, dear? You're. Mine."


-Loves when you tell him he's pretty
-Long hugs
-Loves having his hair washed or his scalp massaged
-Adores your smile and your eyes
-Likes when you offer to go hunting with him (again, if you're also a demon)
-Little kisses on the cheek or nose
-Tells you you're beautiful every day
-Kids terrify him, so they're not on his bucket list right off the bat
-Daki likes you so you two mess with him sometimes

"Aww, why do you guys have to be so mean?"

"Oh, Gyutaro, I'm sorry, c'mere..."



-Soft loving AF
-Kisses you ALL THE TIME
-Loves cuddles
-Wants kids really bad too
-You guys definitely have like a million pets
-Likes to take you and Nezuko out to do things like shopping, amusement parks, carnivals/festivals (if you guys had kids Nezuko would LOVE being an aunt)

"Nezuko, can you watch (insert kid's name) while we're out?"

"Of course! I love my niece/nephew."



-Flirty AF
-Loves teasing you about your height
-Tons of kisses
-Likes to take you, Suma, Makio, and Hinatsaru out (he loves showing you four off)
-Carries you around sometimes
-Also wants kids eventually
-Loves cuddles

"Lord Tengen, can we cuddle later?"

"Later? How about right now!"

"Hehe! Okay."


-Shy and paranoid
-Loves holding hands 24/7
-Writes you cute little notes/letters
-Soft kisses
-Actually really romantic when he wants to be
-Adores literally everything you do
-Knows you inside and out
-Kids make him nervous but ultimately he'd be a very caring father

"What if I can't hold it right!? Oh no... What if it's a scardy-cat like me!"

"Don't worry, Zenitsu. You'll be fine."

"I'm serious! But if you think so, I'll believe you."


-Tells you he's glad you're around
-Knows what pisses you off and makes sure those things don't happen
-Wants a family SO bad
-Likes calm quiet time with you
-Sometimes wants to be alone
-Possessive as well
-Loves you more than anything

"You're my sunshine, (Y/N)."

"Oh, Rui... I love you."

"I love you, too. More than words can express."

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