Chapter One

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I groaned in pain as I onlined, my whole frame screamed at me to stop moving but I need to know where I am

I onlined my optics to see trees everywhere meaning I'm in a forest not in a destroyed building nor in a wasteland planet

I slowly got up clutching my side because it's in the worse pain and damage I've ever seen. It definitely feels like I was blown up

I softly hummed already guessing what's going on here. My matrix glowed softly meaning my guess is right that also means this is now my world

My death happened....that means I'm needed here.... another glow happened. I gave another soft hum in happiness since my guesses are correct

Now the question is what is this reality is like? I hummed in thought as I looked around then headed north.

As I was walking I found a crystal clear lake noticing my looks. I looked a little different more detailed and bigger than normal

'hmm' I hummed then winched in pain at the sight of myself. "Ouch" I grumbled looking at the hole in my side that's filled with shrapnel

I pulled out some of my tools out of my chassis(probably missed spelled that also don't ask about the tools) and got ready to take the pieces of shrapnel out

Until I hear the sound of engines coming my way. *Scrap!!* I thought as I put my tools back into my subspace then hid into the shadows because I know I can't really run

*Please be autobots* I thought hopefully as multiple vehicles and even a semi truck show through the trees. I spotted the autobot symbol on the semi truck

I watched as the autobots transformed "Optimus sir this is the place where cybertronian signature is coming from" a black haired human male said said to this world's Optimus

I watched as a neon green/yellow bot stepped over to the Energon poolni made while trying to get the shrapnel out *damnit* I thought cursing at myself while I watched Optimus walk over to the neon green/yellow bot

"Ratchet what is it?" Optimus asked *That's Ratchet of this world!?* I thought so shock he looks older

A/n: I'm serious Bayverse Ratchet looks older than Primeverse Ratchet I can't be the only one who thinks that right?)

"Optimus whoever we're looking for is badly injured" Ratchet said "Good, if it's a con It'll be easy to beat" a black boy said

"Easy Ironhide this could be an ally" Optimus said calming Ironhide down. I was a little fearful of Ironhide he's more trigger happy than my world's Ironhide

I don't think I want to come out anymore

"Lennox is it still near?" Optimus asked the black haired human male. Lennox went over to a device and looked at it's screen.

Then his head snaps up as he looks in my direction. The autobots looked in my direction too, Ironhide pointed his cannons at me

I stiffened as I see the rest of them also point their weapons at me "Identify yourself " Optimus ordered

"Tell the others to lower their weapons down please" I said in cybertronian going back deeper into the shadows

Optimus looked at the others "Put your weapons down" Optimus ordered the others Put their weapons down

"Ok now tell me who you are" Optimus ordered "I'm MegaSteel Prime" I said still in cybertronian

The autobots optics widen "How do we know you're not lying?" Ironhide asked

"Ask your leader he has the Matrix Of Leadership I have something similar called the Matrix Of The Primes" I said

The bots looked at Optimus"He's telling the truth I can feel his Matrix" Optimus said

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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