Chapter 24

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A/N: This is a short one guys but enjoy it and it's drama x

Louis POV
Harry and I have been going strong since Spain and it feels like I'm walking on sunshine again. Whistling without a care in the world I strolled into the flat after a library studydate with Harry. I was just about to make myself a cup of tea in the kitchen when a voice rung out that stopped me cold. "Louis."

It was my dad.

What was he doing in my house and how did he get in? "What are you doing here?" I asked bewildered. He suddenly sprung and up and came to hug me. Naturally I flinched away. I hadn't seen this man in years and he thought I would greet him with open arms? "What's your problem boy?" He asked when I inched back. "You know full well what it is, now get out." I said calmly gesturing to the door. "You'll treat your father with respect." He said raising his voice. It felt as though a thorn had protruded through my skin and into my heart, "you're no father of mine." I spat disgusted.

He left my family and never came back, leaving us scrambling to try and pick up the pieces.

He narrowed the distance between us and looked me in the eyes. I did not see love there, just emptiness and hate. "Shut me out one more time boy, and I'll shut you and your curly haired boy toy in." He said jabbing his finger into my shoulder with every accurately aimed word. With that he stomped past me and exited, slamming the door in his wake.

I shivered and backed up to the couch. How did he know about Harry? Tears sprung to my eyes and I let them flow. I did not cry when I moved out, when he left or when my mother came begging for me to help her get better. But now I was and it was heart breaking. I sunk into the cushions and cried my eyes out, desperate for closure that I couldn't get. It just seemed when everything was going right someone had to make things go wrong. 

After an hour of lying there numb Zayn waltzed into the flat and came rushing to my side. "Lou, are you okay?" He frantically asked. I nodded and crumpled into his arms, he comforted me only in a way a true friend could. "Shhh, it'll be okay, I'm here, I'm going to call Harry to come over." He said picking up his phone and heading into the kitchen.  Seizing the opportunity I rushed upstairs and packed a suitcase. I was going back to Doncaster.

Harry's POV
I got a call from Zayn and immediately rushed over. I barged through the door, expecting to see Louis dead on the couch, but he was patiently there waiting, next to Zayn, twiddling his thumbs. Nervously I walked up to them and just stood there. "Look Harry I have some news." Lou said and looked towards a suitcase, I held my breath. No. This was not happening. "I'm going to live back in Doncaster, I've dragged you all into a mess of a web called my life so I'm just going to leave, so you guys will be safe. You'll manage fine without me." He said, his delicate voice hitching at the end. "No, Lou you can't leave."

I choked on those three little words again.

"Haz, don't make this any harder then it has to be okay, I'll miss you but it's for the best, I'll be back one day. My father is a threat at the minute but we'll get through it. Bye Zayn, goodbye Harry." He whispered before picking up his suitcase and walking towards the door.

"No you can't leave, Louis!" I screamed. I tried to run up to him.  Hold him tight. Refuse to let go.  But Zayn restrained me. I struggled in his strong grasp but I couldn't break free. I eventually gave up and I registered wetness on my face, they were tears. I was crying yet he still left. The last thing I saw was a blur of his face and he too had tears falling, just as hard as I fell for him.

A/N: What will happen next? Will they get back together or not?

It would be great if you guys left some feedback or if you commented what you want to see happen in the next few chapters of the book.

Thank you all so much for reading guys, it means a lot :)

Find out in the next chapter which I will post ASAP x

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