Chapter 30

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Harrys POV

The next morning Louis and I ached all over from the previous days antics.  My ass was in so much pain and Louis legs kept on cramping up, however we were happy.  Today we were looking at the university that Louis got into because he's graduating in a few weeks.  I met him by the porch and we drove to Kings College.  The university was breathtakingly beautiful and Louis seemed quite at home.  He pointed out all the different wings and where he would be staying.  Zayn was also attending the same uni and they were like two hyper active children about it.

After an amazing tour we went out for lunch in a cafe by the Thames and I had hot chocolate with a scone and Lou had his horrendous strong coffee with no milk.  "Are you excited about university?" I timidly asked.  The future and becoming adults was something we rarely talked about as it made Louis so sad.  I could understand why though.  "Life for me Haz is moving a bit too quick.  It feels like only yesterday that I was fifteen, chasing after girls, having fun and not caring.  Now I feel as though I have to say goodbye to that Louis and be someone I'm not to conform to the brutality of the way I have to inevitably grow up.  Of course I'm excited for university but not in the way that everyone else is.  I'm desperately clinging onto my childhood to avoid an existential crisis is what I'm trying to say." He consolidated. I nodded taking in all the information.  "Well what you need to do is obvious.  Be with someone who makes you feel young and keep the fire burning.  Or get a tumblr." I said smirking.  "Harry, you are the one who keeps me young!" He said happily.  "I suppose I am great." I shrugged.  "No comment." Lou cheekily replied.  I reached over and lightly punched him in the shoulder.

The rest of the afternoon we aimlessly wandered around the bustling streets of London, picking up candy from here and there.  We ended the day by a trip on the London eye.  The sun cast a pink glow over the city as we rose above the river.  It truly was beautiful.

Louis POV

The next few weeks flew by a lot quicker than I could have ever imagined.  It was now Friday afternoon.  My last day at school.  Zayn and I retreated to the outdoor stage in the hot sun wearing our graduation caps.  We were the only ones back here as everyone was currently being briefed on what to do and say on stage.  I had to do a speech as I was the head of the drama department but as usual, I didn't have one prepared.  After a few minutes the class of 2015 walked out and were surprised to see us already here. 

The graduation was almost over and all I had left to do was say my speech.  I nervously scanned the crowd for my friends, family and most importantly Harry.  "If Louis Tomlinson, the leader of year 13 Drama, could come forwards to the stage." I heard my teacher call.  I patted down my gown, straightened my hat and confidently walked up to the stage.

Thousands of eyes rested on my small form.  "This year has been a tremendous and eventful year at Westfield High.  The class of 2015 has seen many highs, lows and awkward in-betweens.  We all started off high school small, scared and excited for our future and we leave still excited for the future.  But we must ask ourselves when is the future? Well, I can answer that.  The future is now.  We need to stop waiting for the perfect moment or the right time and seize the day because you never know when that heart of yours will stop beating.  A wise young man once told me this.  If you keep someone next to you who makes you feel alive and keeps your fire burning then you will stay young forever."  I paused to see Sean Singleworth silently crying in the third row.  He was leaving for the army tomorrow.  He was too young.  "Maybe some of us are content maybe some of us aren't and the truth is that we are still trying to figure out who we are and what we mean on this earth.  I don't know what my purpose is and that scares the hell out of me but it shouldn't scare everyone.  I think that we should just leave some of the worlds mysteries to the world.  Fear not students because we all have great futures in-front of us.  I mean we made it this far didn't we?  Now, in the words of Zayn Malik, lets get wasted!" I yelled before volting over the podium.

The sea of hats were flung into the air and they rained down on me along with the applause from the crowd.   I pushed through the bodies and crashed into someone who pulled me up instantly.  It was Harry.  I smashed our lips together and people near us awwed. After our kiss I checked him out.  Haz looked so attractive in a suit.  "You made it!" I squealed a bit too happy.  "Yea and so did the lads." He said gesturing to the boys jumping around with Zayn. 

"I love you Tomlinson." He said.  "I love you more Styles." Green eyes met blue.  Our lips collided with immense happiness and joy.  The bright flash of a camera pulsed through my eyelids and we broke apart.  The schools camera club leader had taken a photo of us and we blushed furiously.  "It was too cute not to." She squeaked before scampering away.  Giggling we went and rejoined the lads.

A/N: This chapter got a bit too real.  I need a minute.  Okay I'm all good.  As usual your feedback and comments as to what you'd like to see in the future are amazing and helpful so comment guys.  I'll update ASAP, all the love x

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