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Error closed his eyes as he was pushed into the VOID. He looked up to the stars listening to the cheers of victory from the Sanses who were watching his execution. The VOID quickly consumed him as he felt his SOUL, his CODES break apart into pieces only to merge it back together again... He doesn't scream or react, instead, he was in utter bliss. Hoping to finally rest... No matter the pain. He can finally stop destroying and maybe, even join his friends in the afterlife...

Fate's red mist swiftly caught the poor SOUL and guided it to the hands of his waiting mother. Who quickly caught the soul and restored their body, cradling him gently as he slept. "My child, how I miss you... I'm sorry all of this happened... I'm sorry that Fate and I weren't able to save you sooner... But we're here now, you're safe... in our arms" Destiny softly spoke as she wept, "Sister, it's time to leave. Before the other Deities get suspicious." Fate opened a portal as both Deities leave the empty VOID...

"Look, he's waking up!", Error squints as his eyes adjust to the lighting of the room. "Welcome back Error, you've been sleeping for... some time now." in the corner of the room, a figure in red greeted him with a small smile. "Not dead huh?" He was expecting the VOID to kill him... hoping... "No child, you are not dead." Error felt a pair of big arms hug him from behind and leant into the touch.

"I guess I'm back home... I'm sorry I- went into the Multiverse" Error looked at them with guilt in his eyes. He pressed himself further into the hug and relaxed into it. Fate quickly replied as her face saddened "No, Error... It was my fault. I'm supposed to take care of you and I should've blocked off the entrance to the multiverse. Especially because of how unstable it is." The air turned, it became stifling. The weight of what just happened was finally coming down on them. Destiny spoke up, cutting through the thick air, "It is in the past now, we shall not dwell on it. But Error, it is still our responsibility that you turned out like this, you had suffered. So much. We simply want to help you finally live a joyous life... Before all this, you were also miserable under my care. I was always too busy and neglected you despite you being my responsibility." Error teared up before breaking down as he cried loudly in the sisters' arms as he slowly fell asleep again.

Destiny tucked him back to bed before closing the lights and leaving the room alongside Fate, "I must go, dear sister, I shall visit you again later." Fate opened a portal and left as Destiny waved goodbye. Destiny continues to walk down the hall expecting someone, "I assume he's awake? Lady Destiny?" A lady with bright white hair and golden eyes appeared in front of them, sporting a serious look on her face, "Hello Celest it is wonderful to see you again and yes, he is awake." Destiny replied as she looked at the scenery below her. "I see you've taken wonderful care of Tevyat and The Celestia well. As expected." Destiny smiles, admiring the scenery. "Thank you, Lady Destiny. It is my duty after all. If I may... Is there something bothering you? My Lady?" Celest glanced at Destiny, slightly worried. When Destiny meets her eyes "...Celest can you do me a favour?" "Of course Lady Destiny. What do you need my assistance with?" Destiny glanced back to the scenery below and sighed "Celest can you take care of Error in my absence, of course, I have more time now... But now is not the time." "Of course My Lady, I'll take good care of him". Destiny smiled at her as she prepared to leave "Please teach him the ways of this world, and... Give him this.", A pouch, holding something was given to Celest, "Tell him it's a gift from me, I assume you know what to do with it." Celest smiled and nodded softly before carefully grabbing the vision "Of course, I wish you the best of luck on your trip, Lady Destiny". Destiny opened a portal and went through it. Leaving Celest and Error alone in Celestia...

A black figure can be seen snooping up and down the castle walls 'Where is she!?', he kept on frantically walking until he accidentally, bumped into someone. Before he could fall, the person caught him on time and straightened up. "Hello Error, I am Celest, I'll be helping you learn everything you need to in this world as requested by Lady Destiny." Error stared at her a bit awkwardly, "Okay... Do you know where she is?" "Unfortunately, she had to leave, but she'll be back soon." Error nodded before deciding to open the world's code as Celest told him some information. "As you can see, the codes are not made up of 1s and 0s, instead we use Tevyat's language based on the regions the codes show. For example, right now you're seeing the 'common tongue' of Tevyat about the current progress of the 'Archon War'."

The rest of the day, Error spent learning more about the young world's code in Celestia's library as Celest taught him the current information about Tevyat, he found the world interesting, despite its bloodshed and conflict it is in. "Your mother left you this before she left." Celest took out the pouch and handed it to Error. Error took out the item inside and saw an empty grey gem, encased by a thin line of shiny gold-like metal. "Is this a Vision? Why is it grey?" Error continues to inspect it as Celest explains how the Vision will grant him resonance with any and all elements in Tevyat, "Because you are not from any of the regions of this world, the encasing of the Vision will change depending on where you are when travelling. I'll be enlightening you on how to use the Vision and all the weapons along with it, as you seem to lack some academic and common knowledge, I'll be helping you with that as well." Celest walked out of the library leaving Error annoyed and frustrated at her words. "Your training will start tomorrow, for now, I'll leave you to do whatever you want."

To say the least, Error is both annoyed and excited about what this place has to offer him.



I'm finally done! Anyway I hope you enjoy it, I tried writing in a new style so tell me how it is, should I keep this style or continue writing with my old one? I wasn't expecting so many people to already like the book despite having nothing in it yet so I'll try my best to make this good. Oh and shoutout to my beta reader for helping me with rhis story.

Anyway, see you next time!

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