Meeting an Old Friend

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A lot has happened in the past many years, a women name Vanessa ascended to Celestia and they got along well, Venti is now constantly falling into deep slumbers which sucks, a new nation was built and destroyed and he doesn't know why, Celest has suddenly been distant, and all the Archons except for Venti and Morax had fallen and replaced which is kind of disappointing because he gets along with some of them.

Error has learned everything he can, from mastering every elements and weapons to reading and studying every single books in the library, he truly have nothing to do up here. Vanessa is great company but she's busy most of the time.

He spend a lot of his time observing the world below him as it grows and prosper into a wonderful world. The longer he watched, the desire to leave Celestia become stronger as his life became duller with every passing days.

Eventually he did leave, he pack his stuff and left Celestia without anyone knowing or noticing... This is where his life truly begin


The first nation he decided to visit first is Liyue, reasons being Venti not awaken yet and that Morax is the only other Archon he gets to know well, plus he wanted to see how the old man is doing after surviving all these year (Even though he's older than him)

He starts his journey from Stone Gate and admires the view as he trek his way to his first stop, Jueyun Karst.

He remembered Morax once mentioning that he and the adeptuses resides on the mountains of Jueyun Karst, away from humans but still being abled to watch over them.

He encounters alot of creatures, especially Hillicurs with their sudden increase in population. He ignored them and continue on his journey... Their terrified souls are unsettling for him.

After walking around for awhile, he perks up when he sees a big structure on the giant tree tops up ahead. He can also see humans there and decided to go there and take a look.

The newly built Wangshuu Inn was already packed with people traveling from Mondstadt and Liyue, so he decided that he was going to stay here for a while. His aura unknowingly sent fear to the mortals as soon as he step foot on the wooden tiles.

Humans immediately flee or avoid him like their lives depends on it, his looks does not help either scaring everyone looking his way... He ignore them in favor of enjoying himself.

Eventually he got to the top of the building and admire the view from there, he can see Mt. Qingce and Jueyun Karst from up here. He had seen many environments in his days as an immortal, but being in a place so beautiful not as the God of Destruction or Destroyer but as a new person in a whole new world give him a sense of peace and relief.

Unfortunately that peace does not last as the Millelith or Liyue's military force has arrive pointing weapons on him, how rude!

The soldiers watch him cautiously, some are even shaking on their knees. The atmosphere becomes hard to breathe as they stare, waiting for one of them to make a move.

Error quickly jump down the balcony, scaring everyone, and began to ran as fast as he can. The Millelith quickly ran after him trying to catch up, he thought that he had gotten away with how slow they are, until a man wearing a mask appears attacking using his spear.

Eventually the attacks annoys him and he quickly use Anemo to blow the man away. The Millelith eventually came and quickly notice the man, bowing to him "Adeptus Xiao, we are sorry for the trouble" Xiao just shook his head and reply with a blank face "You all should leave now. That is no ordinary monster, we'll take it from here"

The Millelith nod and began to march away, watching the scene from afar. Xiao sighed before facing Error again "State your business here, or I won't hesitate to attack again" he readied his weapon prepared to make another attack if needed. Error stares at them annoyed, "Is that really how you treat newcomers here?".

Xiao got startled at the voice but kept a straight face, "Answer the question". Error rolled his eyelight "I'm here sightseeing and also to have an audience with Morax, can I leave now" Xiao eyes narrowed "Your power is a threat to Liyue... But you have done nothing to harm it... I shall escort you to him and let him decide himself"

'How convenient!' He thought to himself, "Fair enough" he replied fully intend to follow him knowing that it'll lead him to his destination. Xiao just scoffed before gesturing Error to follow him. The walk to meet Morax is quiet and awkward, they have to walk to Jueyun Karst before climbing Qingyun Peak and head up to Mt. Aocang. It wasn't tiring and it doesn't seem like Xiao is going to tired out himself soon but it does take some time to arrive, he would've just teleported there himself but he doesn't want to show his capabilities to him yet.

The humans did say he's an adeptus, so it makes sense that he can last longer than any other mortals.

Eventually they did arrive. There's a giant lake on top of Mt. Aocang, a bunch of Adeptuses and Morax stood around a stone table discussing about something. "Wait here and don't try anything" Error just roll his eyes and watch Xiao from a far.

"My lord, apologize for disturbing you" Xiao kneel down showing his respect to Morax. Morax and the other adeptus turn to face to him, curiosity present on their face, "Is something wrong Xiao? You never interrupt any of my meeting before" Before Xiao could answer, Error decided it's the perfect time to reveal himself.

"YO MORAX!" All the adeptus immidietly turn to the voice having their weapon ready, Morax face immidietly turn one of annoyance and a bit of nostalgic seeing a familiar face "Hello Error"

Error took this sign to teleport right beside him and give him a hard slap on the back making his hands glitch a bit, the other adeptus immediately became hostile but Morax just shook his head and face his 'old friend'.

"I see you have decided to descend from Celestia, did you manage to convince her pergaps" Error just laugh giving him a look that said 'Do you even know me?'. Morax began to sigh bedore smiling "Barbatos has certainly influence you too much... Regardless it is good to see you old friend"

1111 words lol, anyway I was hoping that i could write it longer but I don't want to delay this in my drafts for too long. Plus I haven't updated in a long while so I'm actually happy that I manage to get this out.

I don't have anyone proofreading this so again sorry if there's mistakes in the story. Along with the lore, I won't completely follow them since I already messed up but oh well

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