The Anemo Archon

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Error can be seen bored out of his mind understanding a book he's reading "UUGH This is so boring... I can understand why brats don't like learning this stuff." Right now, he's learning god etiquette. All he can say is that he is definitely not interested. "Where is Celest anyway? She's supposed to be teaching me how to wield a catalyst." Learning with Celest is both enjoyable and such a pain, she's really strict. Thankfully, he's able to quickly adapt to the elements and learn how to use the many weapons he's been shown. Plus, she always gives him chocolate every time he does a good job. He may be the older of the two, but mentally? He's younger. It annoys him to say the least... but that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy bothering her like an annoying little brother. He quite likes that.

'You know what, I ain't staying here' Error quickly got up and left the library in search of Celest. He's been living here for a few hundred years now, and so far he's been taking everything slow and focusing on mostly adapting to the new place. Error roams the now familiar halls and heard voices behind a big door. Curious, he took a peek to see Celest on a stage handing what seems to be a Gnosis to a goddess in purple while 2 other gods stood behind Celest with a Gnosis in their hands, 'Ah so the war is finally over, that's nice' He inspected the gods and goddesses that was chosen. He decided that the whole thing was boring and left for the garden, not noticing a pair of eyes watching him leave. 

'Fwoosh' A gust of wind missed the apple on the tree leaving Error frustrated, Celest is taking too long and so he decided to practice using the spare Catalyst he found. Using the Catalyst is a bit tricky, it's not the same as summoning bones and sending them off. So far, the only element that he has difficulty controlling with a Catalyst is Anemo. He has had some difficulty with other elements too but after a while he comes to understand its properties and manages to handle them well, Anemo however, is not the same as the others which frustrates him a bit. After a small water break, he continues to do target practices on the apple not noticing a figure watching him not too far away. "Woah you're working hard alright." Error jumped not expecting someone to find him making him miss his apple- dammit, hitting the trunk instead and leaving a mark, he turns quickly to see one of the now Anemo Archon on one of the trees biting on an apple. "Yuck, this apple is kinda bland don't you think?" Error stared at him annoyed. He reminds him a bit of Ink when he wanted to be 'friends', "Not a talker aren't ya... Also don't mind me, just continue on like I don't exist ehe~".

 Error looked at him suspiciously and decided to leave, he cancelled his summon on the catalyst and headed inside only for the Archon to follow him much like a clingy cat to its owner, only well- more annoying. Error kept on walking trying to lose him but the God behind wouldn't leave him alone, "Why are you still here? Aren't you suppose to meet with the other Archons." "Oh you do talk! And I found you more interesting than those boring uptight Gods and Goddesses, it's not every day you see a weird black living skeleton. Plus, I saw you peeking in on our ceremony and I have to say, I wasn't expecting anyone else in this palace other than the selected Archons and Celestia." Error stared at him- maybe this guy was dropped on his head? Before sighing and continuing his way through the halls, "Oh wait, we never introduced ourselves! I'm Barbatos the Anemo Archon and the God of Freedom, and you are?" 'Freedom huh? That's interesting' "My name is none of your business" the god pouted and spouted something about him being mean before starting to ask him seemingly random questions. It irritated him. The duo finally reached their destination. The kitchen. Error quickly pulled out his stash of chocolate and nibbled, relishing the taste "I wonder if there's any wine in here... Ooo what's that can I try it?" Venti quickly swiped the chocolate from his hands and took a bite before Error could react "THIS IS SO GOOD!" He proceed to fly high and ate more of the chocolate as Error tried to reach for it "HEY THAT'S MY CHOCOLATE GIVE IT BACK!" "Only if you help me pull some pranks around here. You seem to know the Celestia better than I do..." Venti gave him a playful smirk as Error thought about it. A grin made its way to his face as a way of letting Venti know he agrees before sinister giggles were heard from the kitchen. Scaring anybody who would passing.

After a long day, Celest left the Archons alone for them to bond as she went in search of Error, she felt shivers telling her Error is up to something. Her intuition was rarely wrong. She checked Error's favourite spots, the library, the garden, the kitchen and even the drawers he always hides in when he's mad, the last place she hadn't yet checked is his room. Being a firm believer in privacy she knocked on the door only to receive no reply. "Error are you in there? I apologize I did not come to today's training, may I come in?" Before she opened the doors a scream erupted followed by cackles and laughter from the halls, she rushed there as fast as she could to see the Electro Archon, her sister being covered with sparkling pink and purple powder. "What happened here?!" "Celestia, it seems like we're under attack. I'm afraid I couldn't make out who that was, they went too fast for any of us to notice." The younger between the siblings answered her before she inspected the substances they got covered in before mentally facepalming, "I suggest that the both of you get yourselves washed. We are not under attack. I know who did it, can you point out where he headed?". She directed the siblings to the nearest bathroom and left to find the culprit. She kept on walking the hallways until she heard shouting, entering the room to see Barbatos and Error being held by Morax, "Ah hello Celestia, I had found Barbatos sneaking around with this intruder, should I trap them between my Geo?" "Thank you Morax but that is not necessary" Morax dropped them both as Celest approached them with a disappointed look on her face "Error..." "Yes my wonderful amazing beautiful big sis Celest?" both Error and Barbatos pulled their best puppy faces as she sighed "Error you're grounded and as for Barbatos... I'll leave it to you to decide Morax." Error got a new friend despite getting grounded. Worth it~~


I rush this in proofreading so I hope I didn't make any mistakes anyway

Fun fact: Error and Celest are siblings but her relationship with Destiny is kinda like Xiao and Morax, she was created to manage this world and do her job seriously, doesn't mean she didn't love her as a mom tho

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