Your story

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(Another 5th grade poem/random inspirational thing, let's go!)

You have heard the story of Jack and Jill

You have heard the beginning and the end

Jack and Jill had an ending to their story

But you do not

You might feel like your story ends in pain or has already ended, People tell you

Your story is over But You decide when your story ends,

In every story there is pain and conflict And you might be at that part of your story,

But this will not last forever, You might feel weak and useless and I know how you feel, for I am at that part of my story too,

 but in every story there is a happy ending, You might think that your story ends here that you have nothing left to do, that you can't do anything to keep this story going, 

But Your story doesn't need to end here If you can make it through the conflict then, You will make it to the happy ending.

Poem book! ❤Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant