Spider-Man and The Scarlet Witch

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Ever since Peter Parker revealed himself as Spider-Man, everyone in New York City has started to refer to him by both names. Peter hasn't exactly gotten 100% used to it yet, but he's still trying. He made his way back to his campus and found his bag was still where he left it; in front of his apartment. That was until he saw it glow red and fly at him. He ducked and turned around. He saw where it went. "I think you might need this." Wanda said as she floated to the ground.
"Hey there, Wanda." Peter said excitedly as she came to him. The two hugged and Peter took his bag back. "Still in school, huh? Until like, next month, right?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah. Just one month left and then I'm done." Peter told her. "I'm surprised the rest of the time went by so fast."
"It feels like time's been faster for a lot of us ever since we defeated Thanos." Wanda said. "How have you been, by the way? I know you losing Tony again-for real this time-hasn't been easy for you." Wanda mentioned.
"I've been much worse. I'm just glad I knew him and that this time, I got to say goodbye the proper way." Peter said. He looked into Wanda's eyes. "What about you? You lost Vision. Are you okay?"
Wanda looked at the ground. She hasn't thought of Vision ever since that day that Thanos took the stone. Peter realized she looked upset. "I'm sorry, Wanda." He said.
"Its okay...its been 5 years. Its fine." Wanda told Peter. Peter looked at Wanda's hand, the same one she snapped with and noticed it looked better. "How's your arm?" He asked her.
"After we fought Thanos, my hand felt numb and i could only feel it thumping. But it got better overtime. Thankfully I snapped quickly before it got to my arm." Wanda explained. "But I didn't come here for us to remind each other of the Thanos days." She added. "I came here because I was wondering. How is MJ?" She asked.
"MJ is good. But we uhh...we broke up. But we're still okay. We're still friends." Peter told Wanda. Wanda stared at Peter and put her hand on his chin. "Hey." Peter looked up at her. "You'll be okay, alright?" She said. Peter smiled and nodded. "Good." Wanda said. She turned around and was about to leave, but she turned back to Peter before she did. "And, uhh...if you don't have any huge plans for tomorrow, maybe we can go out for dinner?" Wanda asked. Peter looked at her. Their eyes met. "Yeah. I'll see if I'm able to." Peter told her. Wanda smiled and nodded. She then flew away. Peter was left there thinking one thing...
"Did Wanda just ask me out on a date?"

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