The Special Event For Bela...

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It was until one room that she finally encountered the Seek or as she calls it as the, "Running creature" She was running as quickly as she can to the point where she kept on tripping over her own feet. Bela went through the next room with ease even with her extra speed on her. It was until one room where she got really stressed because she knew that if she went through the wrong door, that she would go back to the either really weak and tired and pain and floppy or just die in general. However, out of pure luck, she went through the right side on the correct door. She was so relieved. This is what she saw right behind her...

As Bela expected, the next 10 doors were completely normal (well kinda) until this main event. She knew it was BIG because she realised it was half way and that the hotel has 100 doors. She was so scared but had no choice and entered with fear. You won't believe what she saw and experienced...

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