What Happened To Bela??...

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Bela went through door 98 and all that was in her mind was door 100. It wouldn't leave her mind. She was so dizzy and faint. She actually collapsed in front of everyone (like one person) the person that she was with (who was named Daisy) just tried to call the receptionist but failed as Daisy had no service and even if she did, I don't think the receptionist would want to go through all of that just to go to Bela. She might even be awake by the time they get there. But all of sudden, Daisy realised that they forgot to drop off their First Aid Kit so out of smartness they hastily yanked it out of her First Aid Kit Backpack. But nothing worked. Bela was almost instantly losing oxygen and it was really bad. 

Daisy was no Asthma Pump or anything as Bela has asthma. It was to the point where she was taking half a breath. Daisy didn't know what to do and felt so helpless. Daisy didn't know what to do anymore. But Daisy didn't give up on her. Out of nowhere, Daisy had an idea to do CPR on Bela. Almost 4 chest pumps in and Bela took her first full breath after she lost consciousness. Daisy sighed in relief and kindly helped Bela get herself stable and back on her feet. Bela asked confused,

"W-W-W-W-What happened?? Did I pass out?? Where am I?? Who are you??"

Daisy slowly introduced herself again and Bela instantly remembered. She shook Daisy's hand and apologised. Daisy understandingly replied,

"Oh no no no no no!! Don't worry about it honestly!! It's my job. It's my pleasure. :)"

Bela smiled at Daisy and Daisy smiled back. They instantly gained a strong bond and they realised what time era they're in. Daisy said in shock,

"Oh yea!! We have to go through door 100 now!! Don't worry we'll do this together!! I'm right here if you need me. Ok??"

Bela replied as she smiled looking tired,

"Ok. I trust you Daisy"

They got through the door and they instantly regretted it...

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