Fight!- Frisk

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Suddenly, as I 'encounter' the dummy, the world turns to black. A text box and buttons appear in front of me. That's weird but kinda cool. I wonder if Miss Toriel can see this too... The dummy comes into view, but instead of its faded orange colour it's a monochrome black and white. Wait...buttons??? Ive never been in a battle so I've no idea what to do.

'You look to your left. Toriel appears to aid you!'

In the text box I read that. I look to my left, and actually, she does appear and starts to explain how battles work. "This is how the world always looks when you battle someone or something. Those buttons in front of you, to the right, is what you can do while in battle." I look at "my options". 'Check', 'Act', 'Item' and 'Mercy'. 'You encounter Dummy.' And so the "fight" begins. To my surprise the dummy starts moving and suddenly charges at me. Two knives appear at either side of its head and they slash at me. I'm too slow and get cut on my cheek. Adrenaline, however, shoots through my limbs and at a lightning fast speed I dodge each slash. Then it's my turn.

I decide to look at what I can do first. I press Check. The dummy's name pops up, 'Bob' and I struggle to hold in my laughter. Act: I can speak to, compliment, insult, encourage and mislead. Fight: Again, it's name pops up, I chuckle slightly. Finally, Mercy: I have the option to run, hide and spare. I press Act again and choose speak.
"How'd you just attack...Bob??"
' It had no effect. ATK and DEF increased.'
"Try and resolve the conflict yourself. Compliment or encourage him." I look at miss Toriel as I dodge another fury attack. "Encourage him?! To what attack me??"
"It'll pacify him." She then says softly: "I think..."

My turn again. I choose Act and 'Compliment'. "Your knife skills are amazing, FYI, Bob."
'Bob doesn't want to fight you anymore. You've won! Bob tosses you 5G for your skills and flattery.'

"Good job, my child. You have done well with dodging and 'Acting'. Even though you didn't expect Bob's attack, you avoided it very well. I am proud of you." She tosses Bob a few coins. "Uhm... Thank you, mam." We continue to the next room. As the colour of this new world comes back, I notice how purple The Ruins are.

So... This is the only way I could think of describing this...

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