Intro :

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Awaiting the news, we feared the worst and hoped for the best. 

Life was about to put my family through an unforgettable test 

Jaden came in, evidence on his face, that Myson wasn't okay.

"He has cancer in his heart" He cried "we won't see him for a couple of days"

I didn't sleep that night, that night was one of the worst.

I have never been through something like this before, and I feared Myson wouldn't make it. I cried myself to sleep, and little did I get I wasn't ready too accept the fact that Myson has cancer.

Before the surgery, I visited my baby, and I don't mean to be rude. But seeing him like this scared me, he looked like a skeleton decorated in tubes 

It was exceptionally difficult not to cry, but I tried oh so hard. I walked over, held on to my baby's hands, and handed him a teddy bear.

As his eyes scanned at the teddy bear, a smile started from the corner of his mouth. That was the first day I've ever seen my son smile. I held his hands forever, I cried, and quickly did time pass. I never wanted to stop saying "I love you"

Jaden pulled my hands as the doctor and nurses surrounded my baby and rode him to another room.

Why, how, what? Are the things I asked? As my tears, Fell against the cold, clear floor. I don't want to hear it, Make it go away. They're lying Jaden, This can't be true. Why did this have to happen to me? They say they have the cure, And they tell me they are sure. How do I believe it, I'm just a mother who want my child to live. They bring you through the door. Why so many cords. Maybe they fixed you, maybe there is more? I want them to be done, they have had their fun. He opened his eyes and start to cry. I mumble "I love you", And I start to crumble. As I hugged him saying everything is going to be alright. I know how it feels, To remember something so terribly real. Every day a waiting game. We watch we wait. Our lives have become you. It's hard not to be selfish. We put on our brave faces. But when the doors are closed our emotions show. We say life goes on but really we are all stood still. We wait for news but imagine the worst . In silence we ask why us why now? It's hard not to ask why me? Although in your home it's only the beginning. Six weeks it's going to get worse. Life will get hard. How can I not be selfish?

Beautiful Memories - Jaden SmithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora