A Test

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The first thing she noticed in the room was the Gold Watchers. They were talking to one another about topics she didn't bother to listen too. Some even had a glass of red wine with them, taking a sip every so often.

Second thing she noticed was they still had their weapons, sharp as she remembers.

The final thing was the condition of the room. Much like the rest of the manor, it was well kept and neat. There was candles instead of electricity, like in older times.

' Nope nope nope. I'm dipping.' She thinks to herself and slowly backs out of the room, none even noticed she was there.

She sighs quietly and turns around and walks.

Only to be met with a hard surface. She looks up only the William. She gasped and falls back. ' No no no!' She starts thinking of all the horrible things she could go through right now.

He takes a step toward her and put of instinct, she starts crawling backwards. He only seems to come closer. Then she remembers her axe, only problem was it was in running distance so since she dropped it and the sound of it crashing to the ground has caused to other Gold Watchers to stop what they were doing and come outside, one of them had grabbed her axe.

' No!' Her back had hit a wall and William was in front of her. She does the only thing she could think of, and that was scream and make an attempt to shield herself from him.

She expected pain, lots of it. But nothing came. She waited for a minute before looking up at him. He had has hand held out. " Stop being silly." He says.

She takes his hand as he helps her up. " Thank you." She says and brushes herself off. " I see that the mold came out just fine." He says. ' Fine? It hurt like hell WTF!'

" Yeah... It hurt though." She says to him. " It does hurt, yes. But it is over now." He says. " I will introduce you to everyone and we will begin your test." He says and walks away, the other Gold Watchers retreating back into the room the moment he walked towards them.

' It does hurt. Was that what he had to go through? Is that what the others had to go through? Now I feel bad... No. They did something to deserve that.' She was snapped out of it when William called to her. " Coming." She says and hurries to him.

They walk into the room to see the other Gold Watchers acting like nothing had happened. William takes Emily's axe from Noah, who gave her a polite smile.

William had everyone introduce themselves and Emily introduced herself. She was still heavily upset that she was stuck here with them, so she didn't bother making small talk with any of them and believe it or not, they seemed a bit bothered by her short answers to their questions.

" Now for your test." William says and hands her the axe. " What's the test?" She asked him. He didn't speak, instead looking behind her. She does the same and sees a red outline of a person. " Perfect timing." He says. "Huh? What do you want me to do?" She asked him. " Go and kill that peasant." He commands. " And if I don't?" She asked him. " Failure to do the test or failing it will result in Lord Malak coming and killing you permanently." He says. She gulps and runs out of the room.

' I can't do this! What if it's Mom? Dad? The Littles? Oh God I'm gonna die here!' she starts to panic. ' Think Emily. The outline is to large to be Dad, to small to be Maurice, and I don't see any breasts. So it isn't them. Oh God Im gonna die here for failing.'

'Word of advice. Don't overthink things.'

' Who in the flip flop fuck-'

' It's Malak foolish mortal... I can't even call you that anymore.'

' Yeah no shit. You turned me into one of your fucking monsters.'

' Watch your language when you are speaking to me woman. I will not take aggression.'

' Sorry but why are you in my head?'

' Thought I would drop by and see how you are doing. Then I was listening to all of your thoughts. You are quite the over looker aren't you?'

' Yeah. I mean I am in a place where I hardly know the lay out and now I have to go and kill someone.'

' Okay. I must be going and some other advice... Don't fail.'

Just like that, he had disappeared from her mind, even if she tried to talk to him he didn't answer.

She sees the mortal in her sights. A male as she expected with a well built body. Seemed he hit the gym an awful lot. She takes in a deep breath and let's it out. ' I can do this!' She starts to think positive and quietly tries to sneak up on the male.

She raised her axe but was unable to bring it down. This was because the man was now staring at her. She was unable to move, luckily there wasn't a painful feeling like she thought there would be. He ran away and she followed.

He almost has all of the shards. " Fuck off you golden bitch!" He screamed and continued collect them.

She continues to chase him. But right as he turns a corner, she realized the area. ' I can cut him off this way.' she then goes to a different route.

The moment he turned the corner, he was met with an axe to the chest. He lets out a blood curling scream a d falls to the ground.

' Weak'

A voice suddenly speaks to Emily. She doesn't realize it.



' You are to weak to do this.'

' You can't do this.'

They all seem to start getting to her. " I am not weak." She whispered to herself.  " What did you say freak?" The man asked. " I AM NOT A FREAK!" As if something else took control, she brought down the axe on his body and started to repeatedly hit at his body, blood splattered on herself, the wall, and the floor.

She soon stopped and began to start breathing heavily.

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