Advice From A Sister

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Emily started her decent to the basement of the manor. She managed to sneak around the Gold Watchers who were talking in rooms while drinking wine. 'God do they drink anything other than wine? Plastic, rich fucks.' She thought to herself. She was frustrated about the situation and made it to Grace's room.

She knocked and Grace opened the door. "What's wrong?" She asked her. Grace was very good at reading people, so upon seeing Emily frustrated face and tense body, she knew Emily was upset.

She moved and Emily sat on the bed with a huff. Grace sat down next to her and placed a knife hand in her back and slowly began to rub it. "Is everything okay?" Grace asked.

"No. Everything is not okay." Emily responds. The room got quiet before Emily speaks. "I need advice." She says. "Ohhhh is it dating advice, cause girl I got you covered! Who's the lucky guy?" She asked, nudging her with her elbow.

Emily's face was fifty shades of red. "What? No! I need help on deciding something." She says. Grace puts on a pouty expression before her face softens. "Okay, what is the problem and I'll give you the best advice I got." Grace asked.

Emily explained the situation to Grace in detail, once Emily she asked "What should I do?"

Grace pondered for a moment before coming to a suggestion. "I think you should give him another chance." She says. "What?" Emily growled out. Grace heard her bubbling anger. "I know I know. They've done wrong to you and had hurt you. But all you have to do is give it time." She says. "How do you know? What if it's all a trick?" Emily asked. Grace was silent before speaking again. "Have I ever told you what happened after I was 'killed'?" Grace asked. "No." Emily says back. "Then let me tell you." She says

My death was painful. Having your limbs torn and body pierced with knives as long as your arms really do a number on you. But I had awoken in a hotel room. It was spacious and there Malak was with a Murder Monkey. "Take good care of your new worker." Malak said. "Trust me sir Malak, we will." A voice says. I had walked out of the room just in time to see Malak disappear. I was introduced to all of them, the first one was named Jack. Then it was Joey, Caleb, and more of them. At first I was basically useless, but they all helped me.

"It took a while for me to get comfortable around them, but then we became friends. What I am trying to say it that by giving them a chance, you may accomplish something you never thought you wouldn't have been able to do before. Give them a second chance Emily and I'm sure it'll be good this time."

Emily thought for a moment before sighing and nodding her head. "Yeah, your right. I'm gonna go forgive them. Thank you for the advice." Emily says, getting up. "Any times Em. See you later." She says as Emily excites the hidden room.

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