A Little Trip Down Memory Lane

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(This one is to be a little more wholesome.)

Emily had been given a tour of the hotel by Jack and Grace, so she knew where the kitchen was. Emily enters only to see Grace. "Hey man, what are you doing?" She asked. "Oh. I was gonna make tacos." She says.

Emily smiled at her. "I haven't had those in fricking ages!" She says as she approached. "Guess the queen only eats fancy foods." Grace says.

"You know it dude. Fricking sucks. I miss this kind of food." Emily comes in.

Grace smiles and looks at her. "Hey. You know I'm still not good at handling bloody meat. May you get it out of the packaging?" Grace asked. Emily smiles. "Of course!" She begins to fumble with it and snickers. "You can kill mortals with ease but can't handle a few bloody chunks of meat?" She laughed. "Oh shut it before I shove a rolling pin up yo butt." Grace then laughs as well.

The two cooked the tacos with ease. Emily would grabs anything needed while Grace cooked.

"Remember when we made dinner for the Littles?" Emily asked. "A taco dinner, yes I remember that." Grace says. "Good times." Emily says. "Would've been better if Mom and Maurice actually thanked us." Grace says.

"Yeah. They are nothing more than toxic and selfish pricks." Emily says.

"You know I met them."

Emily stops at those words. "Did they try anything?" She asked.

"No. Apart from complaining and how they don't deserve this." Grace says.

Emily scoffs. "They do deserve this." She says.

"Yeah. They do." Grace says.

The two talked for a long time until they finished making the tacos.

They made their own plates and sit down.

Emily immediately digs in, wolfing it down as if it was nothing. "Well damn, Emily. You act like you haven't eaten in months." Grace says.

"Mm. Sorry. All I eat are fancy dinners over there." Emily says. "How fancy?" Grace asked. "Fancy enough for steak and lobster weekly." She says back.

"Damn." Grace says. "They love to show off their endless riches." Emily says.

"Yeah well you don't gotta be fancy here. You can be yourself." Grace says. Emily smiles. "Thanks dude."

"Are you sure we should do this?" Noah asked as they watch the hotel from a distance. "Positively. Malak won't allow war. We are simply taking back what's ours." William says as he gets up.

It was time to set their plan into motion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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