。*:°.•✯Prologue ✯•.°:*。.

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After I regained consciousness, every day was the same. I would be led into a room where I would hear machines whirring and hushed whispering while also experiencing pain from syringes being repeatedly put into my skin. Because of all the tubes and cables, my body would feel heavier than it had. No longer did anything make sense to me; everything had become routine.

I wish I could get away, but I can't.

My mother would always say, "Humans are brutal," and my father would always say the exact opposite. I had always disregarded my mum and followed my father.

I'm currently lying in a pit of hell.

So much for believing you, Dad...

Except for the Siren, I had no one to blame for my current predicament.

The soothing voice of the Siren, which I had heard before being sucked into this hell, would keep playing over and over in my memory, and every time it did, my blood would boil.

Only if it hadn't been purged out of my body could it have literally boiled.

My father has often told me "earthen fairy tales," and right now, my life is exactly like one of them. Not quite a fairy tale, but also a blend of other genres and tragedy is defenitely one of them.

However, I am positive as hell that many people today hold me responsible for the suffering they must endure due of my defiance.

I need to keep everything in place and clean up the mess I caused first, and then I need to locate this Siren because we still have unfinished business.

That is, if I ever manage to escape.

As two people wearing white coats entered the room I was in, my stream of thinking came to an abrupt halt, and I immediately realized what lay in store for me the following day. I sighed, preparing myself for the ordeal.

Hey, can you get up?" a recognizable voice asked.

I attempted to sit up in bed as my eyes widened in disbelief, but the restraints prevented me from doing so. I quitely observed them while I studied their appearance. One, who had a smaller build appeared to be a female, and the other was a tall male, probably taller than me.

I nodded my head in response to her question earlier.

"That's great. Then we'll be able to leave this place quickly." I heard the man she was with say.

They are here to save me, I take it? Do they belong to the reinforcement squad? Did mom send them?

The door to my room unexpectedly opened. In terror, I gazed at the door. Then both of my rescuers froze. Their head jerked back.

Bringing out a key, a male figure came out of the door.

Found it! He shouted.

The woman glared at the person.

"Hyung, calm the fuck down!" The male who was alongside the female whisper yelled.

The male figure named Hyung removed his mask and mouthed an apology.

He passed the key to the lady and she started to undo my restraints.


The thought of escape bought tears of joy in me.

Not the right time to get emotional JK!
I told myself.
Mr.Hyung and the other male helped me out of the bed and made me stand on the ground. I tried to walk but I was too weak, noticing this  the two of them took my hands and put them around their shoulders. I smiled at them with gratitude and in response I received a boxy smile along with another dimpled one.

"C'mon let's get out quickly." The woman commanded.
The others nodded at her and we began to move forward.

Siren? Her voice sounded just like the Siren's. Did it not?
A small doubt crept up in my head but I shrugged it off.
First gotta get out of here. That's my first priority.
I told myself.

We walked through several corridors and doors before coming to a halt. A dead end.
"Did we get lost?" The lady asked the man beside me.
"Hyung! Don't tell me that's true..." Whined the boxy smiled person.

"Uh? Did we?" Hyung replied with a nervous chuckle. In response he was met with three glares. "No, absolutely not! I just got confused we'll be out of here in no time!" He showed us his dimple smile.

For someone from the reinforcement squad these people are very much lacking.

We turned back together, took exactly three steps and halted in shock.
I looked at my companions who had an equally terrified expression on their face as mine.

A group of white coated individuals were coming and in the front was their leader.
Fuck my luck! We're doomed!

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