Normie Police³

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"You want to bring Holt? Instead of me? But... But-But that guy is totally unreliable and-and kind of obnoxious." Jackson nervously scratched his head.

"You heard me. It's Holt... or bolt." He started chanting "Holt" to which the other followed. Howleen was about to give him headphones. 'Nope.'

I went to Howleen and grabbed the headphones. "Guys! Be at least grateful that a... normie is willing to go against the other normies. At this point, you guys are being racist. Listen, just because he's not a pure-blooded monster doesn't mean he doesn't belong in this school. We can bring both him and Holt. Besides, we can get some inside information from the normies if we bring Jackson along. They'll talk to him for sure."

They stay silent. Manny just huffed. "He- or... They can switch whenever they need to."

Cleo stepped down. "She has a point. In case somebody approaches us, Jackson can distract them." Everyone else nods. She walks slowly through the ghouls. "Thank you, Y/n, for the suggestion. What will we ever do without you?" I bow my head.

"Enough talk. Talk is cheap. Not unlike Toralei's earrings" Cleo smugly teased. "Hey!" Cleo was in front of us now. "Now... To the catacombs!" Everyone started cheering and heading for the catacombs.

I felt a few presences behind us, to which I turn around. 'Spying, huh? Sorry Frankie, these normies are so annoying.' I just sigh and walk by Jackson.

"H-Hey... Thanks for standing up for me." I smile softly. "No problem, man. You're just like all of us. Besides, I like talking to you. Holt is a little obnoxious and unreliable at times. I remember he broke my charger." His face turns red as he smiles. He quickly looks forward.

When we came to the catacombs, Cleo had "ordered" Jackson to turn into Holt. To which he sadly did.

I sneak up behind Manny, who was scared of the mazes of the catacombs. "BOO!" He screams and turns around. "WHAT THE HELL, Y/N?!" I evilly chuckle and stand besides him. He jumped again- almost dropping his flashlight after hearing a noise. He turned the flashlight to Heath.

"Holy smokes. This is gonna be horrifyingly awesome! I brought this from gargoyle lake to chuck at their school." Manny angrily huffed at him for scaring him. "Sometimes I am so red, it boggles." He swirled and played with the egg. I just laugh.

"Good idea. But-"

"Hey!-Hey!-Hey!-Hey! Be careful with that! Bro those things pack a serious stench."

"Shoot. Give me a little credit."

"Aye, Heath. He's right. I remember I cracked one on my clothes and holy shit did it stink so bad! I couldn't get it off for days! But it's the price to pay for smiting one's enemies."

Clawd and Heath gave me a questioning glance. "Like who?" I smirk. "Unwanted visitors. It's a good material to chase away any species." Heath scoffs. "But hey! I'm not gonna-"

Before we knew it, Holt bumped into him and the egg flew up in the air. I was going to catch it but I decided against it. 'I wanna see this...' I step back a few and watch the scene play out.

Heath tripped on a huge rock and fell. The eggs spilled on his head. "...lost it..." the stench was horrible but it didn't stop me from bursting out in laughter.

Holt shined his flashlight to Heath's face, turning it on and off many times. "Come on I wanna get those normies back while we're still in high school!" He enthusiastically said. "Easy, Holt. We'll get there soon enough." Heath got up and waved his hand off. "Oh man I can't wait! I'm going up ahead! You slowpokes... CaAaaAaAtch UP!" He ran away.

"Jackson's right about that guy. Super unreliable." Howleen said. "And kind of obnoxious." Clawd agreed. I shrugged. "Shoulda listened." They chuckle a bit. I walk ahead. "It's this way. It'll take us right next to the normie high school." Toralei said smugly, walking away.

We climbed out of the catacombs and look up at the school. 'Huh...' Somebody had already came and put graffiti on the school.

"Hang on a second! Somebody beat us to it."

"Hot dang! They sure did a Heath of a job. That's better than we were gonna do!"

We hear police sirens behind us- to which we quickly turned around. "ALRIGHT MONSTERS! FREEZE! STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!" One policeman yelled out as they all aimed their guns at us.

"They think we did this?!" Cleo exclaimed, clearly offended. Toralei meowed in distress. "Well duh! It's a coincidence we're here. How could they not think that?!" Cleo glared at me.

"What do we do?!"

"I got an idea. RUUUUUUUNNNN!!!"

Everyone started running away, splitting up. I ran into some random neighborhood. 'Think. Think.' I hold onto my horns and then realize. I hid in a dark place. "Transformare."

I came out of the shadows as an old normie lady. A police siren from behind caught my attention. "Excuse, ma'am. Have you seen any- uh- monsters roaming around here?" I smile gently and bring out my old hag voice. "Nothing here, dear." He smiles back. "Okay. Sorry to interrupt your night stroll. Have a nice walk." He drives away.

As soon as the police car was out of sight, I transformed back into my hybrid self. "Damn. That was exhausting." I roll my shoulders back and sigh in relief. "Haven't done that in a while. Dad'll be pro-" I look up at a house and see a little normie kid looking down at me in shock. I stare at him blankly.

I look to the side and back at him. I put a finger to my mouth to indicate him to be quiet. He smiles and nods enthusiastically. I smile at him. "Lanuae Cleo."

I disappeared from there and reappeared in front of Cleo. She jumped and was about to scream until I covered her mouth. "Chill." Her eyes filled with anger as she swatted my hand away. ""Chill"??? You popped out of nowhere and scared the scarabs out of me!" I smirk.

Cleo looked behind me. "Deuce! Frankie! What're you doing here?" I turn around and see Deuce, Frankie, Abbey, and Lagoona. "We came to try and stop you from doing something crazy!" Cleo was of course offended. "I guess we were too late for that."

Clawd, Howleen and Toralei walked up to us. "Hey dude. We didn't do that to the school. Somebody did it before we got there." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. We saw. But if you didn't do it, who did?" Lagoona asked.

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